Calling all the great writers, No more spam on Bulb

3 Jun 2024

First posted on

Good morning/evening
I have been cross posting on Bulbapp for quite some time now and have posted about it a couple of times.
Now there are people who made comments about the scam airdrop posts and the danger they posed with wallet drainer links. It was a concern and with the help of some of the devs, some motivated mods and a group of determined community members we have been getting rid of these posts (It was not a good look to be fair). 
Picture from MBA ChitChat one of our passionate and dedicated moderators. (I had to use this as it makes me smile every time I see it).
First the people posting these articles were asked to take them down, if they did not take them down, the reporters aka Bulbarians (who passionately want a clean site) would then report all of the posts and eventually those accounts would be removed. There were a lot and we are still working on it but we are all working together and will clear it all out. We are the ones that do not like cheats, we are the ones that dont like scam airdrop posts that may or may not have wallet drainer links so yes although we earn some points for doing this our main reason is to make the site safe to use.
It has been said that the people that are actively engaged in the reporting of posts are just doing it for the points and yes I would be lying if I said I did not want to achieve the moderator emoji (@bulbapp) lol, but all jokes aside it does take a considerable amount of time to read an article, have an inkling that it is a copy pasted article and then find the original, copy the link and then generate a report. It helps now that we have Discord as we can share these links. Some high level accounts need more than one report.
There are a few tell tale signs that I see when looking at an article that makes me think it is a copy pasted article, I will not be listing them here!
As for AI, yes it has its uses but again that gets taken advantage of and there is a good number of articles that are fully AI generated. I personally don't even enjoy reading those and it is my hope that in the future Bulb will change its view on the use of AI. There are also the AI generated comments and this is almost more lazy than an AI generated article. 
This is why I personally have been reporting, copy and pasted articles are basically just cheating and it is easy to c&p someone else's work and churn out 1 or 2 posts per day. That has to stop. The airdrop posts that may or may not have wallet drainer links......Well I am not going to check, no one wants to check those so all airdrop posts now are deemed as dangerous. Safety first especially for those that may be new to crypto, it is not a good look to have scam posts. It looks like we are actually getting on top of this now which is also great for Bulb.
Comments from just a couple of the people actively trying hard to clean up the site.
@Jawad Khan
There were also a lot of copy pasted articles, this is also a lot better now as most of those accounts have been deleted, again due to a lot of hard work from the community. These accounts, some were multiple accounts from the same person or group have been earning a lot of Bulb tokens and quite literally dumping it every week which does not make the chart look pretty but it can always improve. 
The reason for all of this work is that we want Bulb to be a good clean site, yes when there are $$$ involved you will always find there are bad actors and people who want to take advantage of the system, but Bulb is learning and evolving. The devs listen to the community and they have a long term goal, our suggestions may help with that.
We want to encourage genuine writers to the platform and if you are already doing the work and writing your articles, why not cross post them to Bulb too? All they ask is that you reference and link your own original post!
The updates recently have been great
Token trading
Coming soon is the short post section and mobile app which in my opinion is going to be great, especially if you do not like writing long articles.

So why all this cleaning up of the site?
In short we want more great writers to join and the Devs are listening to the community which is also great.
Some of the discussions are about how to improve the site, things that can be done. You could join and then help shape the future of Bulbapp
As always thank you for reading and please share your thoughts in the comments, good or bad.

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