Jupiter Airdrop Allegedly Leaks as One Hunter Wins 1.85 Million JUP Using 9,246 Wallets

7 Feb 2024

Some users have begun to question the fairness of the Jupiter airdrop, an event that distributed over $700 million JUP to exchange users in January.

While the airdrop has been recognized as one of the largest in its class, crypto explorers have discovered anomalies in the form in which some approached the event.

Open4profit emphasized the airdrop as unfair, claiming that an unknown user received 1.85 million JUP (nearly 1 million USD) using more than 9,000 wallets to achieve this goal.

The founder of Jupiter, known by his nickname Meow on X, recognized that these irregularities had occurred and denied accusations of internal leaks before the airdrop. He declared:

“This is something we have no control over. We didn't publicize the airdrop in advance, but someone guessed the airdrop a few days before and farmed it extremely hard. Will do much better in the future.”

However, user detect bots that prevent this type of farming. He also said that other teams tried to farm the airdrop but were unsuccessful.

“Stop being a liar and start investigating which team member leaked all the information and to whom.”

However, no relationship has been established between the Jupiter team members and the unknown airdrop farmer.

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