sevdiğin denigormesi için ne yapman lazım

9 Feb 2024

f the person I love doesn't see what I do, there could be several reasons for this. Perhaps they don't notice what I do because their attention is focused on other things. Or maybe they don't want to see or care about what I do. In this case, it will be important to try to understand the reasons by communicating and understanding each other. In any case, the fact that the person I love doesn't see what I do does not diminish my love for them; it's just a situation that requires communication and understanding.
What to do if the person you love doesn't see what you do If the person you love seems to be ignoring you, you should first try to understand this situation. Perhaps the other person's attention is focused on other things or they simply don't notice what you do. As a first step, try to discuss the situation through open and honest communication. Share your feelings and expectations with each other. Perhaps the other person is not aware that they are not noticing what you do. If the situation is due to a lack of communication, you can resolve it by trying to understand each other. However, if the other person does not care about or want to see what you do, it is important to accept this situation and set your boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. Remember, mutual respect and understanding are important in relationships.

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