The Illusion of Lust

7 Jul 2024

In twilight's grasp where shadows cling, a whisper starts to stir, Of lust, a siren’s silken call, where desires softly purr. In corners dark and whispers low, it promises delight, But heed the tale of hidden snare, in lust's deceptive light.

In days of old, beneath the moon, a tale of lovers spun, Of passion fierce and fire bright, as lust began its run. A glance, a touch, a fevered dream, a hunger undefined, In tangled limbs and racing hearts, their senses intertwined.

Photocredits: Paula J. Nelson, Lust - Song of Parthenope

Oh lust, the spark that lights the fire, in ember's glowing bed, A force so wild and unchecked, where angels fear to tread. It feeds upon the fleeting glance, the touch, the stolen kiss, Yet in its wake, it often leaves, a hollow, empty bliss.

A maiden fair with eyes so bright, did find herself ensnared, By words of honey, lips of fire, in lust's sweet web she dared. A prince of charm and roguish smile, did capture her with ease, But once the flames had burned away, he left her on her knees.

For lust is but a fleeting mist, that clouds the heart and mind, It blinds the eyes to truth and love, and leaves real worth behind. A fleeting pleasure, sharp and sweet, that sates but for a while, Yet in its wake, it often leaves, a trail of tears and guile.

A merchant in the city fair, with riches all around, Did lust for gold and precious gems, in greed his heart was bound. He traded love for glittered coin, his heart a hollow chest, And in his lust for wealth untold, he lost what mattered best.

A scholar in his tower high, did lust for knowledge deep, In tomes and scrolls he spent his days, in wisdom's grip did keep. Yet in his quest for endless facts, for truths and secrets rare, He lost the joy of simple things, in lust’s relentless snare.

For lust is not just of the flesh, but of the mind and soul, It creeps into the heart's desire, and takes a deadly toll. In wanting more, in craving all, it leaves a gaping void, A hunger never satisfied, a thirst that's never buoyed.

A soldier on the battlefield, did lust for glory bright, In blood and sweat and endless war, he sought the shining light. But in the end, when battles cease, and echoes fade away, He found his lust for valor's crown, had led his heart astray.

A lover's touch, a poet's verse, can kindle lust's sweet flame, But let it grow beyond its bounds, and it will bring you shame. For lust unchecked, like wildfire's path, can scorch the earth and sky, It leaves a wasteland in its wake, where dreams and hopes do die.

A queen did sit upon her throne, her heart consumed by lust, For power vast and subjects meek, in tyranny she thrust. Her kingdom fell, her people fled, her reign a tale of woe, For in her lust for sovereign rule, she let compassion go.

For lust does promise golden dreams, a paradise unseen, But in its grip, the heart does slip, and loses what is keen. It blinds the eyes to gentle love, to kindness pure and true, And in its wake, it often leaves, a soul that's torn in two.

A poet in a candle's glow, did pen these words of woe, Of lust's seductive, deadly dance, and dangers that it sows. He wrote of love that's true and kind, of passion pure and bright, And warned of lust's deceptive song, that leads the heart to blight.

For in the end, when twilight falls, and shadows softly blend, It's love that's true and passion pure, that time will gently mend. So guard your heart from lust's allure, and let your spirit soar, For love that's kind and freely given, will open every door.

A final note to those who seek, to find their heart's desire, Beware the lure of lust's embrace, that sets the soul on fire. For in its flames, though warm and bright, a deadly trap does lie, And only love that's true and pure, will lift the heart on high.

So let this tale, both old and new, a warning softly speak, Of lust's seductive, deadly grip, and havoc it can wreak. In love that's kind, in hearts entwined, in passion pure and free, You'll find the joy that lust can’t give, and true serenity.

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