Why do I blog? , What's the purpose? , Should I continue?

16 May 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Hello, everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic day. Today, I'm excited to delve into a new, intriguing topic. I've been wanting to write about this for quite some time, but various distractions kept pulling me away. However, I'm feeling refreshed and focused today, so I've decided to finally tackle this subject. The inspiration for today's topic comes from the renowned writer, Sir Rybo Chen.

After reading one of his articles, I felt compelled to share my thoughts on the matter. So, let's dive in. Ever since I began blogging, I've often found myself pondering the same questions:

"Why do I blog? , What's the purpose? , Should I continue?"

Even with 97 subscribers and over 2000 views on my articles, doubts still lingered in my mind.

"I don't consider myself a skilled writer, so why am I blogging?"

"There are countless talented writers out there, so what sets me apart?"

"Others possess more knowledge than I do, so what am I contributing?"

These are the very questions Sir Rybo Chen addressed in his article, and they resonated deeply with me. These doubts often plague me before I sit down to write a new piece. However, the primary reason I continue blogging is because I acknowledge my shortcomings as a writer and recognize the need for continuous improvement. I firmly believe in my potential to become a great blogger through consistent practice and dedication. Each article I write brings me one step closer to achieving that goal.

Note: This article is also published on my read.cash account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Learn to relax by taking mini-vacations

Blogging empowers me to…

Image from Unsplash

Build Character and Discipline

Those who think that blogging is not challenging, I think really didn’t do it yet. It’s hard to sit and think and write on the daily basis. Even sometimes I feel much lazy to write but practicing discipline and forcing myself in writing gives me next-level vibes. Trust me guys conquering oneself is the best feeling in the world.

Thoughts and lessons learned

As you can see I daily share my thoughts with you regarding everything and it’s helpful to me because in this way I learned a lot of lessons. I am not ashamed of any of my thoughts because I am still in the learning phase.

Read and learn

Someone said a great sentence before that “If you want to become a great writer then do two things, read and learn”
Nowadays I am doing a lot of research and finding good topics and also finding challenging topics for myself to write because only in this way I will become a good writer. There are many great writers here I am so grateful that they are on my friend list, and I am learning from all of them.


Image from Unsplash

Blogging is only the way where I am doing interaction with a lot of people around the world. People from different cities or I can say people from different countries and from different religions are interacting with me through my articles. Isn’t this the best feeling in the world?

Better Thinker

Writing really helps me a lot in becoming a better thinker. By daily blogging means, I have to think daily of a good topic, I have to choose everything like which photo should be included and the paragraph to make it interesting, these all thinking give me the ability to think more good.

Ending Thoughts

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic, and I'll eagerly await your comments. Constructive feedback is invaluable, as it helps me grow as a writer and ultimately leads to better content. So, please feel free to share any feedback or insights you have in the comment section below. Your input is greatly appreciated!

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
If you have any questions or further inquiries, feel free to reach out to me through my contact information provided below:

Let’s interact in the comment section. Thank you to all the readers for your precious time.

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Btw, if you have any queries regarding anything you can follow me on my different branches :)
Gmail: jawadniazi897@gmail.com


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