Albinism in animals world

20 Aug 2024

Animals can have a wide range of colors on them - from brown or black to bright blue or fiery orange.  Since most animals are endowed with various colors, it is very rare to see an albino animal.

Albinism is a hereditary disorder of lack of pigmentation, i.e. complete or partial lack of melanin in the body, as a result of which the skin and fur are white or pink, while the eyes are mostly light blue with a red pupil. Animals and people with albinism are more sensitive to the sun and therefore prone to sunburn and skin cancer. They are also hypersensitive to light and have problems with vision and clairvoyance, but apart from these physical characteristics, they are no different from other people and animals.

Leucism is similar to albinism - the main difference is that in albinism there is a partial or complete absence of melanin, while in leucism, in addition to melanin, there is a lack of other types of pigments.

In nature, everything is different and unique and beautiful, which makes albino animals some of the most beautiful creatures in the world. See for yourself!

  • Albino gorilla (the only one in history) SNOWFLAKE - The only albino gorilla recorded in the world. For a long time it was the biggest attraction in the ZOO in Barcelona. Snowflake lived 39 years and left 22 descendants, but none were albino. The management of the ZOO tried to find another albino in the hills and forests of Africa, but they failed. In her honor, a Spanish astronomer who discovered the planetoid named it Snowflake.

  • Snowdrop, an albino African Penguin, born in Bristol Zoo, Bristol, England. No other zoo in the world has an albino penguin and only two or three have ever been reported in the wild. The keeper said that the other African penguins seemed unaware of Snowdrop’s special colour. Snowdrop died in August 2004.

  • Migalu, one of the rarest whale species in the world, has been spotted off the coast of Australia. It was first spotted in 1991 in Byron Bay and has long remained the only white mammal ever documented. Until 2011, Migalu was treated as the only albino whale in the world, until Migalu Junior appeared, although it has not yet been established whether there is a family relationship between them.

  • Albino lion is a very rare animal, created by gene mutation and lack of pigment, the eyes of this animal are blue or pink. As this animal is very rare, it is most often seen in zoos. Its natural habitat is the KRUGER nature reserve in South Frisia. This is a large mammal from the cat family. It weighs about 250 kg. and life expectancy up to 14-15. year females are a bit easier.

  • Extremely Rare Albino Zebra With No Black Markings Spotted At A National Park In Tanzania. Africa is blessed with diverse wildlife and it always has a surprise or two in store. And it has delivered again! An extremely rare albino zebra has been spotted roaming in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. The animal, which has been named Ndasiata, stood out among dozens of companions as it did not have the usual black markings that make zebra so distinctive.

  • Albino reindeer are a very rare sight in the wild. They are white in color because, due to the genetic disorder of albinism, they do not have the pigment melanin. "The Sami people consider them holy beings and believe that they bring good luck

  • In February 2014, the Aquarium has welcomed two young albino alligators. It can thus offer its visitors a unique opportunity to discover this rare specimen. The rarity of this animal relates to the laws of genetics since each of the two parents must carry the genes responsible for albinism.

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