If you feel comfortable being alone, Congratulations you understood life.

6 Sept 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


A beautiful morning with the sound of thunder and rain. Heavy rain outside, and it feels like the perfect moment to talk with someone special—someone who truly understands your inner thoughts and feelings. Someone who can console you exactly how you need, and outsmart anyone who tries to come between the two of you. Those who have a partner like this are truly fortunate. They can face any problem with ease because they tackle it together, standing strong against whatever life throws at them.

But what if you don’t have someone like that? What if you’re on your own? Maybe, just maybe, you’re better off this way. Simple, solitary, but effective. Perhaps you’ve learned how to identify your problems, work on them, solve them immediately, and then move on. Maybe you’ve realized the true strength of self-reliance and find comfort in being alone. If that’s the case, my friend, congratulations! You’ve understood life in a way that many others haven’t.

Hello, everyone. This is your host, Jawad, bringing you another message that will hopefully leave an impact. So, let’s dive right in. Today's topic is the strength of single life, where we’ll discuss the success it can bring. Ready? Let’s begin!

Note: This article is also published on my read.cash account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

School Bullying Needs To Stop Right Now

From the beginning of life, there have been pairs in everything. The power of life spread quickly, and soon, the world became filled with human beings. Evolution began its journey, and even now, we are still part of it. On average, many of us live to the age of 50, but not all of us experience life in the same way. We face different problems that require different solutions, and we each deal with them in our own ways.

Some of us live decent lives, while others struggle. A key question today is whether we’re happier in a group or content being alone. Of course, there are great advantages to working in groups or having a supportive circle, but a single life a single mind, a single hand can work wonders too. It all depends on how you make decisions and what outcomes you achieve.
Life is mysterious, and it will always challenge us with new situations. Handling them isn’t easy, but when you have the determination to face them, you’re extraordinary. You trust in your life, your abilities, your intelligence, and your wisdom. Having faith in yourself makes you strong because you’ve realized that no one is coming to save you. No one is there to give you a new life. You’ve chosen your own path to survive. You’ve chosen the best path for yourself, and you don’t need anyone’s advice. Once this belief takes root in your heart, trust me, nothing can hold you back.

Congratulations, my dear friend. You’ve understood life. The same life that once questioned your abilities is now clearing a path for the bravery you’ve shown to the world. You’ve proven that being alone isn’t a weakness it’s your greatest strength. When it comes to making decisions or discussing something, you’re the one fully in charge. You understand life better than anyone. If you ask me, being alone has made me stronger than ever. I know my life, and I know how I handle my darkest days. I don’t need the people who betrayed me. I see them, and I simply ignore them. Life has shown me a beautiful new way to live.

I’m alone, but I’m stronger for it. I’m comfortable with it. Whatever I do, I’m accountable to myself. There’s no hesitation when making decisions, and no fear of someone else ruining my plans for the future. Being alone has given me a life of true comfort.

Ending Thoughts

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
If you have any questions or further inquiries, feel free to reach out to me through my contact information provided below:

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