Migrate when necessary.

19 Mar 2025

Migration is a name of "move" temporary or permanently from one place to other. The history of migration starts exactly with existence of human because from very bigning human did migration. There are lot of reasons behind this act like save own life , weather conditions, prey, disasters, war and better livings.

Migration is not only for human only , the birds , animals also doing it in search of food and to save the life. For example some birds fly from northern Russian soil & Siberia and travel around 6000km to reach at kainjer lake near Karachi , Pakistan. Every November to March they live here , hatch the eggs and fly back to origin country with new family members in bigning of March as exactly now they are flying back in groups.

Biggest migration happens in recent years from Syria, Ukraine and Berma where millions of people were engaged. The life of migrants are never easy and comfertable because the peace and pleasure available in own home Only. Migration has different kinds like immigration, emigration and permanent one.

Migrating for better living.
"When you found yourself in difficulty about prey , move to other place because may Almighty God keep your share there."

This line of holy book showing us a way to live better. If we found ourself pressed , paused and stucked in one place. Even after continued struggle not getting enough food to live , not appreciated against our efforts then we should leave that place and move to other place. It looks so difficult but in most of cases the success met the souls because everything is not made for everyone at everywhere.

Same thing we can apply on us at social media & Crypto market. May I not get enough penetration in one forum but may other one gives me Wings. It proved with me as well when I join tipstory & swirge. I could not understand their medium of communication but when I join these dot cash sites , I got enough prey.

Changing the place & environment of work mostly suits us and better opportunity comes in hand financially and civilization growth moved. I am not in favour to migrate far away from family. I am in favour of change the place , plateform and accessibility.
Migrate of skills also Comes in this theory that if you are not earning enough to feed your family by your any skill, migrate to any other by learning. May your new Skil prove a new way of sky visit and in most cases it works.

Moving from one place to other in search of prey is proved through prophets also. It is compulsory for better living with dignity and respect. It gives chance to restarts the life's struggle with new parameters and emphasis. Migration opens up new world and opportunities which never seen earlier. It also source of income and exploration new edges.

Thanks for your valuable time to read my thoughts about the migration. Like , upvote and leave a comment to know your thoughts as well.
Note: The article also published on my read.cash wall.
The lead image taken from Pixabay.


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