"Puri-crisis" in the Sahel region

25 May 2024

The Sahel region of Africa, spanning from Senegal to Sudan, is experiencing a severe "puri-crisis" involving extreme heatwaves, drought, flooding, violence, and displacement. This situation is exacerbating the vulnerabilities of millions of people. 
In April 2024, a record-breaking heatwave in Mali highlighted the urgency of addressing these challenges. Civil society organizations in the Sahel call for long-term investments in resilience, sustainable development, and social cohesion. They stress prioritizing civilian protection, dialogue, and better access to aid and information.
Currently, around 17 million people in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger require humanitarian assistance, with approximately 5 million displaced. The region's complex issues include natural disasters, resource conflicts, and insecurity from extremism, particularly affecting women and girls. Niger faces additional challenges, with border closures hampering aid delivery, poor harvests, and overall insecurity. 
Burkina Faso and Mali similarly struggle with aid delivery, often relying on expensive air transport. Hunger is a critical issue, with nearly 55 million people in West and Central Africa expected to face food insecurity during the lean season from June to August 2024. Northern Mali is particularly at risk, with 2,600 people facing catastrophic hunger. The lack of funding is a significant barrier, with humanitarian appeals for the central Sahel receiving only a third of the necessary funds in 2023. As of 2024, an estimated $2.2 billion is needed to aid 10.4 million people in the region.
Efforts must shift from short-term aid to sustainable solutions addressing the root causes of vulnerability and displacement. This includes investing in resilience and ensuring the participation of affected communities in decision-making processes. It is crucial to avoid actions that exacerbate civilian suffering, such as untargeted sanctions or aid suspensions. 
Dialogue between governments and civil society remains essential. The international community must commit to supporting the Sahel through renewed solidarity, prioritizing humanity over politics to build a foundation for lasting peace and development.
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