My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Why Noah's Flood Changed Everything

13 Oct 2024

It have been busy weeks since I uncovered those Sumerian tablets telling the Genesis story in a slightly different way.

Their stories involve the Annunaki, the Sky People and they were considered God-like, which makes sense in many ways.

Their stories are the Old Testament avant la lettre, they truly seem to be the basis for what we find in the Bible nowadays.
Now it´s not up to me to conclude that the Bible borrowed or reshaped these Sumerian stories.
But their version of the Noah story I told you last week:

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Did You Know The Bible told us to be vegetarian first and later

Really is quite identical and I think I am gonna take a closer look at it with my more modern eyes.
(If you did not read last weeks post...maybe you want to pause and do so first by clicking here)

With My Modern Eyes

The Sumerian version of Noah, tells about the mightiest of the Sky People; the god Enlil. He was the leader of the Elohim (as established last week Elohim is plural).
Enlil who was strong, sturdy, and cold, did not feel any remorse for terminating this creation project.
He was very upset with mankind and wanted the people wiped off the planet. The project of creating a human species based on chimps mixed with their own DNA was thrown in the bin.
He was what we would now call the Program Manager and below him he has project managers for each part of the program.

Enki who has sworn loyalty to Enlil could be labeled as the Program manager,
Enki built the earth, was close to the humans, and as a good project manager fell in love with his work.

Now there is no proof that Enlil was the Demiurge but there are some similarities:
Enlil shares some characteristics with the demiurge in that he has a significant role in ordering the cosmos and has authority over creation. And like the demiurge, Enlil is associated with control and maintaining order, sometimes in ways that can seem harsh or punitive towards humanity.

Now these Elohim and the Demiurge are both named as the ones creating mankind in their own image, but with lesser specs. This way they would never become superior (although the way to become superior is there, it is the path to divinity I mentioned in the post from two weeks ago).

The reason that Enlil was upset is unclear but it might be that he saw mankind becoming less dependent than they should be according to how his devs designed them.
He might have been the boss around here, but there is always a bigger boss and Enlil did not want to risk getting fired, That is why he went all rinse and repeat on those humans with that flood.

I would go so far as to say that I think Enlil left Earth after cleaning up his mess with a billion buckets of water.

Now Enki was different, he loved humans too much. He saw their universal potential and he rescued at least two of them. Two that were clearly of the human/Anunnaki hybrid bloodline. They might not get to be 35K years old like the Anunnaki but they certainly had an increased expiration date.
I think that is why he saved Noah and his family just look at these ages (now some argue they are symbolic but I referred to the list of kings in a previous post explaining why they were not, and also in this bloodline you will see a steady decline):

Age at the Time of the Flood: 600 years old.
Age at Death: 950 years old.

Noah's three sons—Shem, Ham, and Japheth—also had notable lifespans. We know that Shem got 600 years old

Genesis 11:10-11: "Two years after the flood, when Shem was 100 years old, he became the father of Arphaxad. And after he became the father of Arphaxad, Shem lived 500 years and had other sons and daughters."

Arphaxad (Son of Shem)
Genesis 11:12-13: "When Arphaxad had lived 35 years, he became the father of Shelah. And after he became the father of Shelah, Arphaxad lived 403 years and had other sons and daughters."
Total Lifespan: 438 years.

Shelah (Son of Arphaxad)
Genesis 11:14-15: "When Shelah had lived 30 years, he became the father of Eber. And after he became the father of Eber, Shelah lived 403 years and had other sons and daughters."
Total Lifespan: 433 years.

Eber (Son of Shelah)
Genesis 11:16-17: "When Eber had lived 34 years, he became the father of Peleg. And after he became the father of Peleg, Eber lived 430 years and had other sons and daughters."
Total Lifespan: 464 years.

Peleg (Son of Eber)
Genesis 11:18-19: "When Peleg had lived 30 years, he became the father of Reu. And after he became the father of Reu, Peleg lived 209 years and had other sons and daughters."
Total Lifespan: 239 years.

Reu (Son of Peleg)
Genesis 11:20-21: "When Reu had lived 32 years, he became the father of Serug. And after he became the father of Serug, Reu lived 207 years and had other sons and daughters."
Total Lifespan: 239 years.

Serug (Son of Reu)
Genesis 11:22-23: "When Serug had lived 30 years, he became the father of Nahor. And after he became the father of Nahor, Serug lived 200 years and had other sons and daughters."
Total Lifespan: 230 years.

Nahor (Son of Serug)
Genesis 11:24-25: "When Nahor had lived 29 years, he became the father of Terah. And after he became the father of Terah, Nahor lived 119 years and had other sons and daughters."
Total Lifespan: 148 years.

Terah (Father of Abraham)
Genesis 11:26, 32: "After Terah had lived 70 years, he became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran... Terah lived 205 years, and he died in Haran."
Total Lifespan: 205 years.
And in Genesis 25:7 "Abraham lived a hundred and seventy-five years."
The lifespans of Noah and his descendants, as recorded in Genesis, reflect these long lives, and there was a trend toward shorter lifespans over time.

Project Humanity

Like with any good project, they ran several pilots on how humans should be designed, and I think that during the design phase, Enlil and Enki started to differ.
Early Human Designs

Where one thought man was a utility the other one saw that man had a soul just like their creator and therefore needed to be treated more equally, basically he was the first Human Rights Activist.

When Enki figured out that they were cleaning up the experiment and not planning on coming back any time soon.

In order for the humans to survive he changed the covenant (Now the Vegetarians will hate me):

Genesis 9:1-3 "Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands.
Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.'"

I told you last week that all of a sudden God seems to have changed his plans and told humanity to become omnivores.

Now why would he want humans to eat meat?

The Meat Secret

Maybe because due to the flood a lot of plants were unavailable but he could have given them some seeds on that boat instead of only animals. But I think there is more.

What does meat do to the human mind?
No dear vega peeps, it does not make man aggressive, not if consumption is balanced.
But it does increase cognitive abilities and stop the decline of cognitive abilities, including memory, thinking, and reasoning skills. Previously with the Annunaki in control, humans needed to be kept docile, hence no need to stimulate those cognitive abilities. But with the Gods closing the door on us we need all the help we can get.

I hear the woke already screaming that you can pretty much create the same nutritional values without meat, but not when some powerful deities just washed away most of the earth and what grows on it, you knobs.

Bikini Bottom Line

If I read those Sumerian tablets correctly, and my Summerian is a bit rusty I read the following:
The Annunaki came to Earth, they were seen as the Elohim, the powerful ones, and later this got bastardized to Gods and then one God as mankind likes to oversimplify things.
They made us, kept us docile, left us.
When they left us, they left us with lots of knowledge and skills, and things we could not comprehend we needed to increase our cognitive abilities to slowly start getting the bigger Annunaki picture.

Let´s say the story checks out and they used what looked most like them, the chimps as I explained last week. They re-engineered the Chimp DNA adding a bit of their own, creating it in their downgraded likeness. Their likeness but with a downgraded consciousness.
Remember the Demiurge & Enlil, wanting to keep us stuck in the earthly mud and not further develop?

Remember Jesus, Mary, and others explaining to us the path to reaching true divinity? If not, I mention those chapters in the first part of this Anunnaki Series My Musical Sunday School Sessions - What Kinda Gods Fall From The Sky?

Do you know what it takes to follow that path?
Increased cognitive abilities, being equipped to handle insights that would go far beyond the understanding of most early humans especially those that were part of the pilots that did not get enough Annuki blood in their DNA or Annunaki DNA in their blood.

That is why Enki changed the covenant, he wanted to give humans a fighting chance to develop into a being with a higher consciousness.

Now you might say there is no evidence for this, but there might be. They found one place where a known hybrid king called Gilgamesh could have been buried. It is in Iraq but as it was during the Gulf War the US had the option to cover up the find...sort of

Because officially they never excavated this place....
Officially very few things are what they seem to be, like the Old Testament, the good book seems unofficially to be using stories talking about deities (plural) coming from the sky and creating mankind from their blood.

Thank Godness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

Previous Sunday School Sessions

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Ladies of Revelation

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Bad Boys from Revelations

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - He That Goes By Many Names

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - A Book That Was Left Out Of The Bible

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle)

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle) Part 2 (The Apple)

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Funny Looking Angels

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Thomas Told US Not To Look But To See

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Hail Mary The Harlot

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Let´sTalk About Sin Baby"

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Know Thy Enemy (What´s The Satanic Bible Really About)"

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "The 20 Commandments from the Satanic Bible"

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The CIA & The Bible agree on One Thing "We Can Go Mental"

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Out Of Body Experiences happened in the Bible & Dead Sea Scrolls

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Maybe Darwin & The Bible Were Right?

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - What Kinda Gods Fall From The Sky?

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Did You Know The Bible told us to be vegetarian first and later

All Images By MyI and AI

Disclaimer One: The texts I use for these sessions are real, although like many scholars my ignorance and arrogance might cause me to misinterpret things, or explain things from my limited perspective. I therefore appreciate all critical feedback.
Disclaimer Two: I think everyone has a right to believe, and a right to disagree. I try to take a light philosophical approach and add some humor. If you're offended please check yourself, because being offended by something written by a simpleton as WhyWhy is a signal that you might have bigger issues.

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