The 20 most carcinogenic foods.

16 Apr 2024

Every day we consume some foods that increase the risks of developing cancer. Cancer is one of the most complex and challenging diseases facing humanity. It is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body, which can invade healthy tissues and spread to other parts of the body. This process, known as metastasis, is what often makes cancer potentially lethal. In the quest to understand the causes of cancer, science has identified genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors that can influence its development. Among these, food plays a crucial role. Some foods contain carcinogenic substances that, when consumed regularly and in large quantities, can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Examining the available scientific evidence let's examine how certain foods may contribute to cancer risk. Join us in this detailed analysis to better understand how our food choices can affect our long-term health.

1 - Do you frequently consume processed meat such as salami, bacon, sausages...? Without wanting to alarm you, we advise you to review your menu. The World Health Organization analyzed 10 scientific studies and showed that consuming just 50 grams of processed meat per day is enough to increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 18%.

2 - Red meat. It's hard not to salivate over a nice, juicy piece of meat! Although delicious, red meat hides a dark secret. According to the same WHO study, people who consume 100 grams of red meat daily have a 17% greater risk of developing colorectal cancer. To eliminate this possibility, you just have to reduce your daily consumption of red or processed meat. You can alternate it with legumes or tofu, for example.

3 - Alcohol. You won't get cancer just because you have a drink once in a while. But if you drink alcohol every day and exceed two drinks, then you increase the risk of developing different types of cancer. According to the national addiction program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, compared to those who do not drink, people who consume 3.5 drinks of alcohol or more per day (50 grams of alcohol) have three times the risk of suffering from cancer of the mouth, pharynx or larynx, and 1.5 times the risk of having colorectal cancer. This is another great reason to drink in moderation!

4 - Overcooked meat. Some health institutions recommend cooking meat to avoid catching certain diseases. But you should not cook it too much, as it increases the risk of developing cancer. When meat is overcooked or burned on the grill, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are produced, a group of carcinogenic substances. Steaming or baking reduces the production of PAHs.

5 - Hot drinks. Do you like coffee, tea, soup...? Before swallowing them, make sure they are not too hot. According to the WHO Agency for Cancer Research, drinking liquids warmer than 65 degrees Celsius increases the risks of esophageal cancer.

6 - Carbonated drinks. We all know that soft drinks make you gain weight, but did you know that they can also increase the risk of getting cancer? Some Swedish scientists affirm this. In 2012 they published a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in which they concluded that a man who drinks one can of soda a day has a 40% greater risk of contracting prostate cancer. The risk increases for men over 45 years of age.

7 - Farmed salmon. Yes, salmon is rich in omega-3, but if we want to reduce the risks of having cancer we must know its origin. A study published in 2004 concludes that organic contaminants in farmed salmon are much higher than those in wild salmon. A person who consumes this type of salmon once a month, over time, develops a greater risk of contracting cancer than if he eats wild fish.

8 - The white pasta. We all like pasta, it is part of our diet and many people consume it once a week. However, a high consumption of white pasta favors the appearance of lung cancer, even if we have never smoked! Texas researchers established the relationship between lung cancer and carbohydrates. The more carbohydrates a food has, the more the appearance of cancer is favored. And pasta contains many!

9 - White bread. The previous study also talks about white bread. This popular food increases the risk of contracting lung cancer by 49%. By raising the level of glucose in the body, the possibility of developing cancer increases. Do you want another good reason to prefer whole wheat bread?

10 - Canned tomatoes. These tomatoes are popular because they are cheap and easy to prepare. However, the XenoAnalytical LLC laboratory, affiliated with the University of Missouri, published in 2008 that some canned products, especially tomato sauce and juice, contain bisphenol A. This is a chemical component that is used to make food items. plastic, such as records and water bottles. In addition to increasing the risk of breast cancer, bisphenol A increases the risks of developing hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, hormonal disorders, and obesity.

11 - Milk. We know that milk is rich in calcium, which is beneficial for bones. But a study carried out in 2004 states that men who consume a lot of milk increase the risk of developing prostate cancer by 68%. Everything suggests that this is due to the animal fat present in milk. But beware! This doesn't mean you should never drink milk. As long as you don't exceed 2 glasses of milk a day you will be protected.

12 - Refined sugar. Cancer is favored by the consumption of refined sugar. This product allows the multiplication of cancer cells. Among all foods that contain refined sugar, corn syrup is especially harmful to health.

13 - Genetically modified products. Different animal studies prove the relationship between the development of cancerous tumors (especially in the belly) and the consumption of genetically modified products.

14 - Vegetable oils. Many foods are prepared with this type of oil. According to a French study, these favor the appearance of breast cancer and increase the risk of suffering from cardiovascular accidents. Vegetable oil is found in many dishes sold in supermarkets. To reduce the risk of contracting cancer you have to reduce the amount of prepared meals you buy and use olive oil at home.

15 - Microwave popcorn. Microwave popcorn is full of calories, but it's not bad to eat it once in a while either! They are delicious and easy to prepare. However, you should know that to create the artificial butter flavor, manufacturers use chemicals, some of which promote the development of testicular, liver and pancreatic cancer. The next time you crave popcorn, better prepare it at home. Without butter or salt, they will be an excellent and healthy snack!

16 - Bag potatoes. Unfortunately, if you replace the popcorn with French fries it won't be better. According to the “European Food Safety Authority”, when French fries are subjected to high temperatures a potentially carcinogenic chemical component (acrylamide) binds to them. In bagged potatoes there are 500 times more acrylamide than the maximum amount that the WHO recommends for water.

17 - French fries. These also contain acrylamide. A Swedish study discovered that this substance is also found in cigarette smoke.

18 - Peanuts. Peanuts are full of vitamins and minerals, but in some cases they can promote the appearance of cancer. Poorly processed or poorly preserved peanuts contain a lot of aflatoxin, a substance produced by mold and mushrooms, which increases the risk of liver cancer. In some countries in Africa and Asia there is a risk that peanuts have aflatoxin. If you travel to those regions of the world or live there, then it is best that you do not consume peanuts.

19 - White flour. To clarify flour, manufacturers use chlorine and chlorine dioxide. Inhaling them is not good for your health. So imagine what happens when we eat them. In addition, white flour has a high glucose index and increases blood sugar levels, which increases the risk of developing diabetes and cancer. So whole wheat flour is better for health.

20 - Salted fish. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, there is a high level of nasopharyngeal cancer in regions where a lot of salted fish is consumed. In other words, consuming a lot of salted fish multiplies the risk of suffering from this type of cancer.

The relationship between diet and cancer is a powerful reminder that every choice we make has the potential to impact our health. However, far from being a sentence, it is an opportunity to make conscious and positive decisions. Adopting a balanced diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and low in processed foods and refined sugars, can not only reduce the risk of cancer, but also improve our overall quality of life.

Prevention is in our hands and on our plates. By educating ourselves and choosing healthy foods, we are not only investing in our long-term health, but we are also taking a step forward towards the well-being of our families and communities. Let this article be a starting point for a journey towards a healthier and more vital life. Together, we can make a significant difference in the fight against cancer.

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