Zetachain Airdrop

20 Feb 2024

ZetaChain is a platform built on blockchain technology. This platform enables various applications such as the exchange of digital assets, execution of financial transactions, and implementation of smart contracts. The aim of ZetaChain is to facilitate these operations reliably, quickly, and efficiently. Additionally, $ZETA, the native cryptocurrency of ZetaChain, is used for various transactions within the platform.

1.From the metamask wallet, send a small amount of $ZETA to our second wallet and then send a portion of it back to the main wallet. This task earns us 3500 XP.

  1. Visit the link https://app.eddy.finance/swap and perform 3 swaps:
    1. ZETA > BTC.BTC
    2. ZETA > ETH.ETH
    3. ZETA > BNB.BSC Completing these swaps, including the task from Eddy Finance, earns us 10,000 XP.
  2. Go to https://app.rangeprotocol.com/spot?chain=7000 and add liquidity to a pool of your choice. This action earns us 2500 XP.
  3. Finally, go to https://accumulated.finance, mint stZETA, and then stake the stZETA tokens. This task earns us 2500 XP.

Some of these transactions may encounter errors, and retrying may be necessary.
Feel free to ask if you need further assistance or clarification!
referal link :https://hub.zetachain.com/xp?code=YWRkcmVzcz0weDlBYkE2NDYxNzRhMTI3RDEzYTcwNzkyMkY2QTJENTY2N0E5MjU3YzYmZXhwaXJhdGlvbj0xNzExMDQ2MDc5JnI9MHhhZTMyODZiNWIwODNlZDgyNzEyNjY0NWM0ODUxZWUyMjA0OWZkMWIzNWFiOTRhNTIzZGMzYjdiNTVmNzdmYzUzJnM9MHg0ZGYwNmZlMWQ5NjZhZTNiZDAyOTllYTdhMDIxNjUyODMzMThmMWZiODI4OGUyYWYyM2RmOTZiZjFmNWUxZjlmJnY9Mjc%3D

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