
17 Feb 2023

It was bright when Chinaar opened her eyes. She was looking out the window at them. The poplar awoke, though, and threw off the cover. Imagine you see! All three of the parents were prepared to leave with fresh clothing. The mother responded, "Chinar, you were informed yesterday night that we have to go to the wedding," upon spotting the poplar. rise early But instead of waking up, you pushed Tai when she tried to wake you up. Your father grew irate and yelled, "He has no desire to get married. The adal will be sealed once it has been resolved. What will I do next, then? We're heading out." Bhokad then started crying. He quickly came to the realisation that there wasn't even a room in the house that could make him angry or confused. The wisdom of the poplar tree The eyes themselves cleansed. I left me all the way, he declared in his heart. I leave. Shiru the burglar is in the house! Chinar opened the door and stormed out in a fit of rage. The aimless aimlessness aimlessness was really exhausting. There was kasavis hunger. The intensity of the heat stunned me. They walked into the front garden. in the mango-colored desert tone. He then experienced a great sense of well-being. A nice clock was located on the slope and there were vibrant flowers on the front steam. They are real and blooming at the same time! Walk! Feature time! Chinar was astonished to find such a beautiful garden in the village, which she had never seen before. A magnificent fountain was located beyond the clock, but the vibrant fountains were flying. Towards the triangle went Chinar. He emerged from the fountain's water with a splash and yelled,

Do not even try to touch this pristine water, you filthy child. Your hands will cause damage to it! Yes, please. When Chinar overheard her speaking, he said, "Wa! What do you own with this garden? I'll go into the water! This garden is, in fact, mine. Do you recognise me? I've been flooded. The flowers in this area are these blooms. I own it. You get it? A steward moved to the front. "Salil, this nasty youngster entered the garden," he said to him. Grant him. Otherwise, its feet will harm the garden. In Pushkani, there were only hands. Chinar was humiliated when Pareen referred to him as a "dirty boy," and he felt terrible about it. dirty shoes, stained clothing, and chewing gum that was stuck here and there. He started crying out of embarrassment. He broke out in hysterics. Pari approached Chinar after hearing it. Don't cry, Chinar," she whispered, wiping his eyes. Keep being filthy. You wriggle when your mother tries to wash your body. filthy, filthy kids like you. Nobody enjoys them. I detest such kids. See what I've done to them." It was bright when Chinaar opened her eyes. She was looking out the window at them. The poplar awoke, though, and threw off the cover. Imagine you see! All three of the parents were prepared to leave with fresh clothing. The mother responded, "Chinar, you were informed yesterday night that we have to go to the wedding," upon spotting the poplar. rise early But instead of waking up, you pushed Tai when she tried to wake you up. Your father grew irate and yelled, "He has no desire to get married. The adal will be sealed once it has been resolved. What will I do next, then? We're heading out." Bhokad then started crying. He quickly came to the realisation that there wasn't even a room in the house that could make him angry or confused. The wisdom of the poplar tree The eyes themselves cleansed. I left me all the way, he declared in his heart. I leave. Shiru the burglar is in the house! Chinar opened the door and stormed out in a fit of rage. The aimless aimlessness aimlessness was really exhausting. There was kasavis hunger. The intensity of the heat stunned me. They walked into the front garden. in the mango-colored desert tone. He then experienced a great sense of well-being. A nice clock was located on the slope and there were vibrant flowers on the front steam. They are real and blooming at the same time! Walk! Feature time! Chinar was astonished to find such a beautiful garden in the village, which she had never seen before. A magnificent fountain was located beyond the clock, but the vibrant fountains were flying. Towards the triangle went Chinar. He emerged from the fountain's water with a splash and yelled,

Do not even try to touch this pristine water, you filthy child. Your hands will cause damage to it! Yes, please. When Chinar overheard her speaking, he said, "Wa! What do you own with this garden? I'll go into the water! This garden is, in fact, mine. Do you recognise me? I've been flooded. The flowers in this area are these blooms. I own it. You get it? A steward moved to the front. "Salil, this nasty youngster entered the garden," he said to him. Grant him. Otherwise, its feet will harm the garden. In Pushkani, there were only hands. Chinar was humiliated when Pareen referred to him as a "dirty boy," and he felt terrible about it. dirty shoes, stained clothing, and chewing gum that was stuck here and there. He started crying out of embarrassment. He broke out in hysterics. Pari approached Chinar after hearing it. Don't cry, Chinar," she whispered, wiping his eyes. Keep being filthy. You wriggle when your mother tries to wash your body. filthy, filthy kids like you. Nobody enjoys them. I detest such kids. See what I've done to them."

Jalwanti played the song in the fountain while holding Chinar's hand. Both quickly sank to the bottom. A large well was present. Eighty kids with warm bodies and soft as poplars clothing surrounded Huda. The kids used to be thrown into the well by blue-clad fairies. They used to spread soap all over their bodies. Nice clothes would be given to clean kids. These kids were made to stand in front of Jalvanti, the blue fairy. Said, "My name is Paritai, and I'm a really nasty boy. Every day in the bath, I fuss. I annoy my mother. I do not use soap. "What, you bathe like a crow every day," the exhausted mother then remarks. It's going to itch! I actually have scabies last summer, Fairy! What are your current plans, then? Chinese asked Pari. Fairy, I won't act like sage children any longer. I'll wash my body, just like it says in your song. Our lady says, "Cleanliness is the god," and today I learned what she means by that. How much happier my mum will be if I stay clean! And absolutely, I won't ever be punished in the same way again. I assure you, Paritai, that I will always remain pure. Let's go!" In Pushkarani, the fairy unrolled the water lily leaf. detached from the poplar's main trunk. Chinar's body washed itself entirely after that. similar to a rose that has just opened! On the body, a white, perfumed robe appeared. Jalvanti joyfully played the tune while holding the poplar's melting branch in his hand. What fun! They both arrived at the sea in a flash. When Chinar Jam saw the fish and enormous hippos there, she became alarmed. Parirashin, though, soothed him. He then began to swim in the marrow. There used to be Aquarians. When he saw Jalwanti, he used to lower his head. to present a gift that was brought. They once went swimming. that Jalwanti There was an enormous treasure trove of gifts in the palace. A bag filled with pearls and pearls was given to Chinar by Jalwanti. brought to Pushkarani's edge, then turned away. She came back with a reminder to start being clean again. Jalwanti hit a nerve before vanishing into Pushkarani. Chinar struck her. Pari made an attempt to take up the bag of pearls. He eluded her, though. She managed to free herself from the poplar's grasp by lifting repeatedly. The ground was covered in scattered pearls. The sparkling pearls that were falling to the earth transformed into water drops. Each drop danced before entering Pushkarani's water. Chinar began calling out to the pearls, "O pearls, hold on a second! Jalvanti, take a look; your pearls have changed into water drops. I hope you didn't dream, Poplar. You saw a pearl; what kind was it? awaken early. Don't we want to attend the wedding? Bharbhar Atap Chinar swiftly stood up. He swiftly came to a decision based on the commitment made to Jalwanti in his dream. As she admired the completed poplar, the mother exclaimed, "How wise my poplar has become! 

Jalwanti played the song in the fountain while holding Chinar's hand. Both quickly sank to the bottom. A large well was present. Eighty kids with warm bodies and soft as poplars clothing surrounded Huda. The kids used to be thrown into the well by blue-clad fairies. They used to spread soap all over their bodies. Nice clothes would be given to clean kids. These kids were made to stand in front of Jalvanti, the blue fairy. Said, "My name is Paritai, and I'm a really nasty boy. Every day in the bath, I fuss. I annoy my mother. I do not use soap. "What, you bathe like a crow every day," the exhausted mother then remarks. It's going to itch! I actually have scabies last summer, Fairy! What are your current plans, then? Chinese asked Pari. Fairy, I won't act like sage children any longer. I'll wash my body, just like it says in your song. Our lady says, "Cleanliness is the god," and today I learned what she means by that. How much happier my mum will be if I stay clean! And absolutely, I won't ever be punished in the same way again. I assure you, Paritai, that I will always remain pure. Let's go!" In Pushkarani, the fairy unrolled the water lily leaf. detached from the poplar's main trunk. Chinar's body washed itself entirely after that. similar to a rose that has just opened! On the body, a white, perfumed robe appeared. Jalvanti joyfully played the tune while holding the poplar's melting branch in his hand. What fun! They both arrived at the sea in a flash. When Chinar Jam saw the fish and enormous hippos there, she became alarmed. Parirashin, though, soothed him. He then began to swim in the marrow. There used to be Aquarians. When he saw Jalwanti, he used to lower his head. to present a gift that was brought. They once went swimming. that Jalwanti There was an enormous treasure trove of gifts in the palace. A bag filled with pearls and pearls was given to Chinar by Jalwanti. brought to Pushkarani's edge, then turned away. She came back with a reminder to start being clean again. Jalwanti hit a nerve before vanishing into Pushkarani. Chinar struck her. Pari made an attempt to take up the bag of pearls. He eluded her, though. She managed to free herself from the poplar's grasp by lifting repeatedly. The ground was covered in scattered pearls. The sparkling pearls that were falling to the earth transformed into water drops. Each drop danced before entering Pushkarani's water. Chinar began calling out to the pearls, "O pearls, hold on a second! Jalvanti, take a look; your pearls have changed into water drops. I hope you didn't dream, Poplar. You saw a pearl; what kind was it? awaken early. Don't we want to attend the wedding? Bharbhar Atap Chinar swiftly stood up. He swiftly came to a decision based on the commitment made to Jalwanti in his dream. As she admired the completed poplar, the mother exclaimed, "How wise my poplar has become! 

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