Bodybuilding Methods: Progress Plateau or Routine Revamp?
When you start training with a specific goal in mind, you feel excited and motivated, but over time, you may become unsure about what you're doing or feel stuck. When progress stops or boredom sets in, it's time to switch up your routine.
Different bodybuilding methods for building mass include:
-> The 10x10 at 75% RM:
10 sets of 10RM (repetition max) with 3' recovery. Often misunderstood, this method involves loading the bar on your first set so that you can only perform 10 repetitions, then unloading as you go along.
-> Bi-sets at 80% RM:
3 to 6 sets of 8RM of one exercise + 8RM of another exercise (on the same muscle group) without recovery between the two then 2 to 3' recovery between sets 💡 This method can be performed with either:
- 2 isolation exercises
- 1 isolation exercise then 1 basic exercise
- 1 basic exercise then 1 isolation exercise
-> Tri-sets at 75% RM:
4 sets of 10RM on 3 different exercises on the same muscle group without recovery between exercises then 3' between sets.
-> Drop sets:
4 to 10 sets. Start with a heavy load allowing 1 or 2 repetitions, then unload to do 1 or 2 repetitions again, until you reach a total of 10. 2 to 3' recovery.
Try it for 6 weeks and see the result.
Thank you for reading.