
3 Jan 2024


Cryptocurrencies are money that we frequently encounter today.
is one of the terms. With the removal of trade borders between countries
Cryptocurrency, goods and services, which are alternative currencies to national currencies
While it can be used in trade, otherwise its use has decreased over the years.
increasing. The word crypto is literally a combination of the words cyripto and currency.
It is a word formed by combining words, the main theme of which is the password. encryption
Shopping and buying and selling are carried out using this method. This encryption system
Although there is controversy about its reliability, its usage area is
is becoming more widespread. In the study, the most common use of crypto money is
Bitcoin was examined and information about its emergence and system was given. Türkiye
and although its use in other countries is restrictive, it is a relevant
It is obvious that the area of use will expand as long as there is no institution.


Cryptocurrency, Cross-Border, Bitcoin


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