Litecoin is the MOST undervalued asset in the world.
Litecoin is the MOST undervalued asset in the world.
Litecoin's master litecoin network value model range is $1,499 - $5,136 with an upper projection of $27,000 today.
Plus the bullish major ascending triangle and the symmetrical triangle over the past 3 years from a technical perspective is giving signals of a major price expansion this cycle.
Now couple this with the hidden Elon tweets about litecoin, and the fact that dogecoin is merged mined with litecoin. Then add in the aspect that Charlie Lee has created the perfect opposite game theory to Satoshi Nakamoto. Litecoin is THE better bitcoin hiding in plain sight.
Litecoin is the MOST undervalued asset in the world.
Litecoin's master litecoin network value model range is $1,499 - $5,136 with an upper projection of $27,000 today.
Plus the bullish major ascending triangle and the symmetrical triangle over the past 3 years from a technical perspective is giving signals of a major price expansion this cycle.
Now couple this with the hidden Elon tweets about litecoin, and the fact that dogecoin is merged mined with litecoin. Then add in the aspect that Charlie Lee has created the perfect opposite game theory to Satoshi Nakamoto. Litecoin is THE better bitcoin hiding in plain sight.