Judgmental People: Fake friends.
Good Afternoon Bulb Family!
I hope everyone is having a good day! Today, I'm feeling emotional, not in a crying mood, but just wanting someone to share my feelings with. Usually, in such situations, I turn to music. I let the lyrics express my emotions and pains. But today, I find myself longing for someone special in my life, someone with whom I can share everything that's on my mind. I wish I could tell them, but it feels like the only way is if they were sitting right beside me. Unfortunately, I'm in a different city, surrounded only by friends.
Sometimes, you can't quite open up to friends the way you can with someone special. Today, that's what I'm experiencing. Sitting alone, I thought, why not write down my thoughts here? So, here I am, sharing the thoughts that have been swirling in my mind.
Note: This article is also published on my read.cash account.
Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.
Friends play an Important part in our life.
So, without wasting time let’s come to our topic. Today my topic is “Judgmental People: Fake friends”.
Let’s Start our article:-
Judgmental People: Fake friends.
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If you're new to this online world, especially in the crypto sphere, you encounter new people daily, and many of them tend to judge you based on your initial interactions. I've observed this phenomenon firsthand. When I was a newcomer, I had the opportunity to meet several individuals, and some of those interactions were quite positive. However, recently, I never imagined I'd encounter certain situations.
Allow me to share my story. When I first joined Noise.cash, it was during the platform's early days, whereas Read.cash had been around for about four or five months. Initially, I primarily interacted with Noise.cash. During this time, as a new user, I stumbled upon a group of people who operated as a community, offering mutual support to one another. For those familiar with Noise.cash's early features, there was a function called 'freetips,' allowing users to give tips to others freely. I became part of a community where members exchanged tips among themselves. I remained in this group for almost two months.
However, as time passed, I realized that my participation was perceived as spam. Consequently, I made the decision to leave the group. I met a few people in those groups. Initially, during those days, I was the most active member of Noise.cash, and I can proudly say that. My profile was rapidly gaining traction; I was adding 10 to 15 subscribers daily. I recall having 500 followers at that time, while my friends, the people I met in the group, had significantly fewer followers. However, I never considered myself superior based on follower count; everything seemed fine.Image source
However, after a few days, family problems caused me stress and tension, leading me to leave my Noise account dormant for a week or two. Upon my return, I noticed that all my friends had surpassed me in follower count. Despite this, I found solace in the fact that many people continued to appreciate my content and support me, including my friends.
Then, a few months later, Noise introduced a new feature allowing tips to be given through the 'like' icon. Strangely, after this feature was implemented, my account was marked as spam, and I stopped receiving any rewards. I made a mistake; I admit it. I started daily complaining to the admin about why I wasn't receiving anything. At that time, I had 3,000 followers. Unfortunately, due to my incessant complaints, the Noise admin suspended my account.
But before these issues arose, my account was flourishing. Can you believe my Telegram was flooded with messages daily, asking for renoising my posts or seeking suggestions from me? However, let me backtrack a bit. One of my friends was publishing articles daily on Read.cash, and he suggested I do the same. At the time, I lacked writing skills, but I decided to publish my first article there. Unfortunately, my article was marked as spam for no apparent reason, leading me to leave Read.cash at that time.
Speaking of my friend, one day, he shared on Noise.cash that a bot had visited his article, and he was ecstatic. I shared in his joy, but I noticed a change in our interaction afterward. He seemed to distance himself from me. After a few months, I realized he had deleted my number from his WhatsApp account. Despite this, I continued to interact with him, commenting on his posts, but he consistently ignored my comments. I was perplexed by his behavior.
Later, I decided to resume writing on Read.cash, inspired by my friend's success. During that time, the bot was generously rewarding BCH to writers. However, I discovered that he had blocked me on Read.cash. When I asked him about it, he claimed it was a site error and that he hadn't blocked me. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, assuming it was a technical glitch.
Undeterred, I created a new account and published about 20 articles, but unfortunately, I received no response from Rusty. Feeling demotivated, I once again abandoned the platform. However, after four months, I decided to delete my previous articles and give it another try. Thankfully, this time around, I received a positive response.
Ending Thoughts
Apologies, everyone. I have some urgent matters to attend to here, so I must pause my article for now. I'll pick up from where I left off tomorrow. There's much more I want to share about dealing with fake friends, and I don't want to leave my story incomplete this time. Stay tuned for the continuation tomorrow.
Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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Btw, if you have any queries regarding anything you can follow me on my different branches :)
Gmail: jawadniazi897@gmail.com