Introduction To JavaScript

19 Aug 2024

Javascript is a Client Side & Programming Language which is used to add Programming Logic to Web Pages. You can understand it like this. HTML is a Designing Language and it only designs Web Pages.

You cannot perform any logic in web pages through HTML. For example, when the user clicks on a link, you want to perform some processing by calling a function. But you cannot do this through HTML, because HTML is only used to design web pages. For this, you need another programming language.

Makes A Web Page Dynamic

Javascript is one such programming language that adds logic to web pages and makes them dynamic. It was developed by Sun Micro Systems. Earlier it was named Live Script. Which was later changed to Javascript.

Javascript has the capability of Object Oriented Programming. It is defined in the head section of the HTML file. If you do not use Javascript, you cannot perform any calculations with HTML. You can also perform validation with Javascript. Javascript is a Q programming language that is understood by browsers and is used exclusively for web pages.

Features of JavaScript

Javascript has two important features which are as follows -

Dynamic :-

Javascript is capable of generating dynamic web pages. Javascript is capable of making changes in a web page while it is loading. It is only when the web pages are loading that it can be decided what task is to be performed. Whereas this does not happen in HTML, all the actions in it are already defined and you cannot take any action during the load time of the web pages. HTML generates static pages. But Javascript generates dynamic pages. For example, Javascript can show the weather according to your location while the page is loading.

Client Side :-

Javascript is a Client Side & Scripting Language. Any execution in PHP is performed on the Server. But this is not the case with Javascript. When you use Javascript, any execution is performed on the Client Side. For example, validation in Javascript is performed on the Client Side in the Web Browser. But validation in PHP is performed on the Server. Because of this, Javascript reduces the load on the Server.

Advantages of JavaScript

Very Fast :-

Being client side, Javascript is very fast. Because it does not waste time in establishing a connection with the server. Javascript gets executed without taking a connection from the server.

Cross Platform :-

Javascript runs easily on any browser and operating systems without any problem. All latest browsers support Javascript by default.

Works With Multiple Languages :-

Javascript can work easily with other languages like HTML, CSS, and PHP etc.

Simple :-

Javascript is a very simple language. Anyone can easily learn and implement it.

Disadvantages of JavaScript

Less Secure :-

The code of Javascript is executed on the client side, hence some viruses can come in it. Due to this, Javascript is not considered very secure.

Execution Vary :-

Javascript gives different results on different browsers. But this is not the case with Server Side Scripting Languages. Server Side Script always gives the same result irrespective of the browser.

No Support For Network Applications

Javascript cannot work with Network Applications as there is no support available for it in Javascript.

Functions of Javascript

• JavaScript is used to create dynamic web pages.

• Highly interactive web pages are created with this.

• You can reduce the load of the server by performing validation on the client side with the help of JavaScript.

• With this you can solve many problems related to the browser.

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