How to Save Money on Transportation Costs in Nigeria’s Current Petrol Crisis

24 Sept 2024

With Nigeria facing one of its most severe petrol crises, transportation costs have become a significant burden on households and businesses alike. Since the removal of the fuel subsidy in May 2023, petrol prices have soared dramatically, surpassing ₦1,000 per litre in September 2024​.

For many Nigerians, navigating this economic challenge demands creativity and strategic planning. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to reduce transportation expenses while maintaining efficiency in daily commuting and travel.

Embrace Public Transportation

One of the most straightforward ways to cut down on transportation costs is by utilizing public transport. Buses, BRT systems, and trains offer an affordable alternative to personal vehicles, especially in major cities like Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt.

Though public transport might not always be the most comfortable option, it significantly lowers the cost of commuting, especially as fuel prices continue to rise​.

Key benefits of public transport include:

  • Lower overall travel costs: Bus fares are considerably cheaper than maintaining and fueling a car daily.
  • Reduced vehicle maintenance costs: Relying on public transport means fewer expenses on vehicle wear and tear, repairs, and insurance.
  • Reduced environmental impact: With fewer cars on the road, air pollution is minimized, contributing to a greener, more sustainable environment.

Opt for Carpooling or Ride-Sharing

Carpooling is an increasingly popular way to reduce fuel expenses while maintaining convenience.

By sharing a ride with friends, family, or colleagues traveling the same route, you can significantly reduce individual travel costs.

Several online platforms and social media groups in Nigeria connect commuters to available carpooling opportunities, making it easier than ever to participate.

Benefits of carpooling include:

  • Shared fuel costs: Splitting petrol expenses among multiple passengers reduces the financial burden on each individual.
  • Less traffic congestion: Fewer cars on the road means reduced congestion, leading to shorter travel times.
  • Networking opportunities: Sharing rides can lead to new friendships and business connections, especially in urban areas where social mobility is high.

Additionally, ride-sharing apps like Bolt and Uber are increasingly offering promotional discounts to help riders cut costs, particularly in the current petrol crisis.

Optimize Vehicle Efficiency

For those who must rely on their personal vehicles, maximizing fuel efficiency is critical. Simple vehicle maintenance and driving habits can reduce fuel consumption and save money in the long run.
Here are some practical ways to improve fuel efficiency:

  • Maintain steady speeds: Rapid acceleration and frequent braking can waste fuel. A steady driving pace conserves energy and maximizes fuel economy​.

  • Monitor tire pressure: Underinflated tires can increase fuel consumption by up to 4%. Regularly check tire pressure to ensure they are properly inflated, as this reduces resistance on the road and improves mileage​.

  • Turn off your engine when idle: Avoid keeping the engine running while waiting or parked for long periods. Idling consumes fuel without adding any value to your journey​.

  • Tighten your fuel cap: A loose fuel cap can lead to petrol evaporation, wasting valuable resources and reducing overall efficiency​.

Incorporating these tips can help you make the most of each tank of fuel, easing the financial pressure of high petrol prices.

Leverage Technology and Alternative Transportation

For those working in industries that allow remote operations, adopting digital tools and remote work setups is an excellent way to save money on transportation. With the rise of video conferencing platforms and collaboration tools, many professionals are now able to work from home or alternative locations, cutting down on daily commutes.

Additional alternatives include:

  • Bicycles and motorcycles: In urban areas, bicycles and motorcycles provide an affordable and fuel-efficient way to navigate short distances. Motorcycles, in particular, are a popular mode of transportation in cities like Lagos and Ibadan due to their ability to bypass traffic.
  • E-bikes and scooters: While still emerging in Nigeria, electric bikes and scooters are gaining traction as eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions. With lower energy requirements, these vehicles offer significant savings compared to cars or fuel-powered motorcycles​.

Embracing these alternative modes of transport can help cut costs significantly, especially for those living close to their workplaces or daily destinations.


The current petrol crisis in Nigeria has drastically increased the cost of transportation, putting pressure on personal and business budgets. However, by adopting smart strategies—such as using public transport, participating in carpooling, optimizing vehicle efficiency, and leveraging remote work opportunities—Nigerians can reduce the financial burden of transportation. Additionally, embracing alternative modes of transport, such as bicycles and motorcycles, offers a more sustainable and cost-effective way to navigate urban environments.
Though the economic environment remains challenging, making informed and proactive decisions about transportation can help you save significantly in the long term.


  1. Vanguard News - Surviving Nigeria’s Fuel Crisis: Smart Tips to Save on Your Daily Fuel Consumption​(Vanguard News
  2. )
  3. Vanguard News - Hardship: 7 Smart Tips to Save Money on Your Daily Fuel Consumption​(Vanguard News
  4. )
  5. Nairametrics - How to Cope with Rising Fuel Prices in Nigeria
  6. Premium Times - Fuel Subsidy Removal: Economic Impacts and Strategies
  7. Guardian Nigeria - The Future of Transportation Amid Nigeria’s Petrol Crisis
  8. Punch Nigeria - Practical Ways to Save Fuel as Prices Skyrocket
  9. BusinessDay - The Shift to Public Transportation: Benefits and Challenges
  10. AllAfrica - Navigating the Fuel Crisis: What Nigerians Can Do
  11. Techpoint Africa - Embracing E-bikes and Scooters as an Alternative
  12. Ventures Africa - Work from Home: A Strategy to Save on Commuting Costs

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