Aptitude And Reasoning Part 2 📝

9 Oct 2022

In my last part I share the all information about that questions so I will share the questions with you in this part number 2 that is actual part 1 of the questions. To solve all this questions and common the answers you will receive the answers of that questions in my next article that is part number 3. And in part number 3 you will receive again 10 questions and that 10 question answers you will receive in my part number 4.
10 questions are as belows: 

Question no 1:
if 5 women's are name Golu, Rolu, Polu, Holu and Lolu joined gym. Each of them has a different weight Golu weights the least of all. Polu does not weight the maximum and their are exactly two females heavier than Lolu. Holu is heavier than only one woman, then who is the second heaviest?
1) Polu                           2) Rolu
3) Lolu                          4) Holu

Question no 2:
In a certain code if M=4 and MAN= 10, MUST=10, then More=?
1) 7                                2) 9
3) 6                               4) 8

Question no 3:
Six people P, Q, R, S, T and U sit in a row, not necessarily in the same order. if two persons sit between P and Q and 2 person sit between T and U then how many persons sit in between R and S?
1) One                        2) Two
3) Three                    4) Fou

Question no 4: 
select the next number from the given question mark in series.
-1, 5, 23, 59, 119, 209, ?
1) 289                       2) 309
3) 335                      4) 409

Question no 5: 
In the following series select the option that will come in place of (?) Mark.
8, 11, 27, 88, 361, ?
1) 1814                     2) 1810
3) 1816                    4) 1815

Question no 6: 
In a row of few students P was standing 17th from the left end and 23rd from the right end. If Q was standing exactly in the middle of the row, what was his rank from the left end. Assume people were facing the north.
1) 20th                     2) 22nd
3) 18th                     4) 19th

Question no 7:
Select the option which can replace the question mark (?) in the given series
aBDg, hIKn, oPRu, vWYb, ?
1) bEFj                       2) dGHk
3) cDFi                      4) dEHI

Question no 8: 
If the following question correct the equation by interchanging any two mathematical operation signs.
96 - 16 ÷ 4 × 2 + 8 = 6
1) - and ÷                 2) + and ×
3) + and ÷                4) × and ÷

Question no 9:
Which two sign should be interchange the to make the given equation correct?
5 × 11 - 1000 + 20 ÷ 20 = 25
1) + and ×                2) ÷ and -
3) + and -                4) ÷ and +

Question no 10: 
The following question consist of some statements followed by some conclusion considered statements to be true even if they very from commonly known facts and find out which of the conclusions logically follows the given statement this regarding the commonly known facts?
All pants are caps
no cap is a can
all cans are autos
 i) some autos are cans                    ii) no can is a pan
1) If only conclusion ii follows 
2) if neither conclusion i nor ii follows
3) if only conclusion i follows
4) if both conclusion i and ii follow

Try to solve all these questions, i will share the answers of that questions in the next part of question series.

Rferences (Example)
[1] <name>, '<title>' (online, <year>) <link>.
[2] BULB, 'Write to Earn. Read to Earn' (online, 2022) <https://www.bulbapp.io/>

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