The Best Way To Bank Your “Crypto Change”

24 Dec 2023

What To Do With Your “Crypto Change”?
If you are actively engaged in WEB3 and the Crypto space, in general, you are likely familiar with the terms “micro-earning” and “micropayments”. This is one of the many benefits of WEB3. Yes, for the most part, it’s monetized, and income streams vary significantly, in terms of dollar valuation. Some income streams are rather significant, while others can only generate a few dollars here and there. However, regardless of the earning potential, it beats earning nothing on WEB2.
Outside of X, there are very few earning opportunities on WEB2. It’s predominately dominated by a strong top-down structure. Ultimately, leveraging its users to benefit the CEO and other top-tier management individuals. WEB3 is not perfect. However, there is something in it for the average user, and this changes the game… significantly! If you are earning multiple forms of income on WEB3, you have likely wondered about those micro earnings you sometimes see arriving in your wallet.
When you look at the dollar valuation of these payments, it’s rather insignificant. It makes little sense to sell it for dollars, or even to hold it as BTC or some other “blue chip”. However, I have a particular “piggy bank” for these earnings. Yep, you guessed it… high-risk investment capital. Instead of spending or saving this income in the form of traditional Crypto assets, I put it to work as a slave. This capital goes into incredibly high-risk micro-caps and memecoins.
In other words, it either goes on to secure enormous gains for me, or it dies trying. Money is not a person, and therefore, slavery is an option. In one way, it’s a sure way of ensuring that money does not become your master. There are many wealthy slaves out there. They have a lot of wealth. However, they have no freedom. Money dictates their entire life. The abovementioned approach kind of turns the tables on this entrapment… and ensures a healthy dynamic. Sure, it’s important to ensure it remains within moderation.

Push it too far and the dynamic shifts from being in control to foolishness and carelessness.

I have however found this strategy to be incredibly powerful. This approach in the previous bull market enabled me to gain exposure to super-risky investment vehicles. Many of which happened to produce incredible returns. Essentially, it’s money that has little ability to enhance your life in the present. However, deploying it in such a manner provides the potential for future significance. Strategic planning, as well as foresight, are crucial in this game. It’s important to get this right as early as possible in the journey.
It’s A Journey
Yes, it’s a journey. Now that the markets are pumping, I have numerous people contacting me, as well as engaging me publicly… trying to leverage me as their investment asset… hoping to make money on some kind of a “tip” or insight from me. I view this as incredibly shallow… even repulsive. Success in this game is about discipline and commitment. It’s a journey and one that is incredibly difficult at times. The rewards belong to those who have journeyed, plain and simple. You might have an alternative viewpoint. However, this is how I interpret it.
It’s still a great time to be deploying capital into micro-caps and well-spotted memecoins that hold promise and potential. Investors often underestimate the frenzy that takes place during the final chapter of a bull market. All reason departs and euphoria hypnotizes market participants to the point of irrationality. Risky (correctly identified) positions that are established during this period can later capture the compounding dynamic in a way that blue chips can only dream of.
This is when the brilliance of this idea is ultimately revealed. Small investments that eventually go on to secure 300X and higher, become incredible wealth builders. However, you have to have the foresight and the experience to identify them. Remember, doing research is not indicative of success. It all depends on the knowledge and database of the mind that is filtering the data being gathered. Another reason why the “journeyed” investor has “qualified” to receive the bounties of a bull market.

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Final Thoughts
Regardless of your experience and skill level, a well-diversified approach is likely to produce meaningful returns over time. As with anything in life, knowledge and experience dictate efficiency. If investing is a journey, the only answer is to get started… no matter where you are and what you have in your hand. Every journey begins with the first step… there’s no avoiding it. See you next time!

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First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.
This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.

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