Daddy's girl
If I were my father's little girl, I would dance with him and spin around in his arms.
Instead, I have to dream about it with my best friend Brittany Baird. I would have someone to hug me tight when I got too terrified.
Why can't it just be true when talking about it is so difficult?
Why were you forced to abandon me?
Could you please come back so we can talk?
But as I sit here and cry, none of this will occur.
No father to express my emotions to, Why me, God, why?
I'm so delighted my mother is here, tickling me till I fall to the ground.
But because you're never here, she's all I have left.
My mum constantly supports me and lends a hand when I need it.
When I needed you the most, not even a small bit, you weren't there.
I consider all of my other friends who are accompanied by their fathers.
I'm so furious about it that I just want to flee and hide.
Why did you have to leave me, at all?
As I sit in bed, I reflect.
I can't stop having such horrible ideas about you.
Sometimes it hurts so much that I feel like I'm going to pass away.
Instead, I'm hunched over my bed, fighting back tears.
I'm working so hard right now to forget about it.
But I'm unable to forget because my heart has been severely wounded.
Why do you despise me, God?
Did I make a mistake?
Why must you continue to cause me so much suffering?
It's not at all what it seems to be.
I feel like a dog all by myself.
being transported to a pound.
Why didn't you just accept it and try to resolve the situation?
All I want is to hear from you are the words "I love you."
I detest the way I think of you, so none of that is actually true.
I hope you could grasp what a dreadful cold-hearted man he was.
I can't stop crying while I write this poetry.
What would it be like if you were just present here?
Why not make an effort to adore me?
So let's try it out.
Wouldn't it be lovely to have Daddy as my father?