A Hypocritical Generation

22 Oct 2022

Hypocrisy is the act of engaging in the same conduct or activity for which one blames another or the act of professing moral principles or views while acting in a manner inconsistent with those principles. It is the failure to uphold one's own declared moral rules and values, according to moral psychology. Other forms of hypocritical lying, in the words of British political philosopher David Runciman, "include claims to knowledge one lacks, claims to a consistency one cannot sustain, claims to a loyalty one does not possess, and claims to an identity one does not have." Political hypocrisy, according to American political journalist Michael Gerson, is "the purposeful deployment of a mask to trick the public and gain political profit." 

Hypocrisy has been atopic that has been discussed in wisdom literature and folklore from the dawn of time. Since the 1980s, it has increasingly played a crucial role in research in behavioral economics, cognitive science, cultural psychology, decision-making, ethics, moral psychology, political sociology, positive psychology, social psychology, and sociological social psychology.We are gradually raising a generation that is deeply hurting on the inside because of the emptiness of their souls and yet have mastered the art of hypocrisy, pretending all is well.
The effect of these lopsided life is seen in the many suicidal attempts, multiplied increase of
drug addiction, rise in cult activities and all manner of social vices. If these collapse of
building on values continues, a generation stands the risk of steeping downward to complete destruction.
Now is the time to arise and build: this is a clarion call on repairers of the breach to
engage until our society is transformed. All hands must be on deck. A GENERATION MUST WORK

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