look at the bird that want to take over the world

8 May 2024

look at the bird the want to take over the world which is a seagull they love to eat people food same goes for there favorite food which is chips from the fish and ship shop when you chuck something they go crazy for it that they want your food there cheeky birds i guess there only doing there job because there needs is food to eat i hope they dont steal anything on time there looking for chips from the fish and chip shop i have not have many fish and chips shop my dad nomaly buy them shops not the fish and chip shop he like to bake them in the oven and my sometime my dad gets me honey chicken from sings or ninja shop sometime i get rice from ninja and sometimes i get honey chicken from ninja to but i get both at sings i love sings it my favorite place to have honey chicken but nomaly i have to stay up to 5pm to get the honey chicken some sings but some honey chicken shops are open daytime or night time i hope you like my story

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