How to recover assets from hacked Wallets

28 Jan 2024

Hello everyone, today's topic is how to withdraw assets from a hacked wallet.

I'm very sorry for the hacked friends, and this incident has caused a chill on crypto and caused many opportunities to be ignored.

It happened to me before and how I handled the process:

How did I first realize it: I had just come from work, I was making transactions for the zksync airdrop, and there was like 1 dollar of eth left in my wallet, I wondered if I had finished it. Then I was going to send eth to Metamask via CEX and make a bridge, the money goes away before it reaches the wallet. Again, I sent a little Avax to a different network and saw that it was gone. I started asking people I knew left and right like crazy. Then I immediately started researching on the Metamask official website. I realized that a bot had been sent to the wallet, but I didn't have much presence there. 2 years of effort is not enough, right? Anyway, now there are a few NFTs in the wallet, how can I save them? I opened a ticket in the projects I was involved in, one by one, I contacted them and was informed that they could not help me, I did not give up, I had won well in a project called Mahadao, I opened a ticket, the founder of the project, Steven Enamakel, wrote to me and wanted to help me. He stated that he would do whatever he could for it, and I sent him the wallet words, saying that if I was successful, I would send it to his wallet. There was no response. I checked my Mahadao wallet and he was able to save one of them. And there were nfts in a project, and I was able to withdraw it to my new wallet without paying the imutamble x uzrendine fee. This process was quite psychologically bad and I wanted to quit then. I said no giving up and continued.

Without further ado, let me briefly tell you what I did and how their assets can be saved.

How to recover assets? In short, someone who does not know how to write code cannot do this because the bot sent to the wallet is a sweep bot, that is, someone has accessed your wallet words. This means that you need to reach people who can get help, which you cannot do. Frankly, if there are significant assets, find someone who knows how to write a reliable code and prepare a bot that is faster than the bot sent to the wallet. This tries to send the asset directly to the new wallet without the money going to the wallet, and if the bot is fast, it is successful.

So how did they get to my wallet words and how did all my other wallets get botted?

Frankly, it was my mistake. Well, I didn't take crypto seriously. I didn't take it because I would never make a transaction with metmaskat

I was falling because I was under the pressure of the people around me, that's a lie, that's it.

Anyway, I was wondering about the tests.

I started to participate and this curiosity grew more and more, and I concentrated on doing transactions in front of the computer every day after work.

I opened new wallets and created new profiles in the same browser, and this is what happened. This means five browsers from one Chrome browser. I started using different browsers. This was my 2nd biggest mistake.

Then I kept a file on my computer with the wallets words I opened, and the wallet words were accessed, or the CMD command was run while I was downloading a program, and suddenly I felt like I had screwed up. Anyway, I checked, there was nothing, the wallets exploded in the following months.

What can be done:

It is recommended to change the devices. Maybe the virus or access is still in the hands of the hacker.

As for the wallet issue?

Keep your main wallet only in one browser and do not make transactions on unsecured sites and do not connect the wallet.

Use a new browser for testnets. If anyone wants to make ult, they should do some research on how to do it.

And in every wallet you open, write the words in a notebook the old fashioned way by hand

Remember this, don't just stick to one place and it will come back to you as a loss in your wallet.

What can people who are left with zero money after the hack do?

Get over this and this time you become more experienced, which puts you 5 steps ahead of a beginner.

Let all accounts re-prepare and pursue NFT projects, and try to join those with new projects in some new networks and get a job, this will lead you to earn capital.

If you are a trader, do it little by little, but take it seriously, and you can collect big money from here and be on your way.

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