Comedy Festival: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

19 Jan 2024

About 5 years ago, when you mentioned Star Wars in any environment, almost everyone would flinch. Star Wars was one of the great kingdoms at the heart of geekdom. Why do I say “it was one”? Because both Disney's lack of planning and the directors' contrary mentality, Star Wars turned into a circus show. Or even worse, a comedy festival...

The value of Star Wars to me

When I was a child, Star Wars was beautiful for me not with its movies, but with its animation and games. I loved watching The Clone Wars animation and playing The Force Unleashed on PS2, but that was all Star Wars for me. When Disney announced the new trilogy, I said I should watch the old movies immediately and I enjoyed all 6 movies. In this way, I managed to share people's excitement for Force Awakens, and now I could not breathe with excitement for the new movie.

Disney decides to make a Star Wars movie He was killing people with excitement with the Star Wars music at the beginning of Force Awakens, the audience started applauding with the music. Exactly 30 years later, the story was continuing, and we had not seen the Star Wars logo in cinemas for years. I saw the Star Wars logo in the cinema for the first time and shared similar feelings with people.

When I left the theater, The Force Awakens was just fine for me. What can I say, they did an average job imitating old movies without taking any risks. It was like Activision and old Ubisoft games, almost identical to the previous game. So why do they do such a thing? Because they don't want to leave the safe area. They are not willing to try new things because they are afraid of disrupting the structure that people love, they want to satisfy the customers and make money in an easy way. Anyway, let's move on to the movie The Last Jedi.

When I came out of The Last Jedi, I was swimming in mixed emotions. I couldn't decide whether it was good or bad, and my friends shared my indecision. When I watched it again later, I was angry with the movie and for me, the movie was the worst of the worst. There are many reasons for this, but the biggest reason was Rian Johnson's preferences. He rejected the foundations built by The Force Awakens and acted as if such a movie did not exist. Even though The Force Awakens did not have a solid foundation, it was still a movie that belonged to the universe. What kind of inconsistency is this for the second movie of the series?

He frivolously answered all the questions left in the air by The Force Awakens and did not dwell on it, simply ended the journey of the Snoke character he glorified, and focused on a side character like Rose with his cheap romantic scenes. The movie fell apart for me when I didn't like the relationship between Finn and Rose. The movie was a complete disappointment for me when I saw that they shamelessly added mistake-filled action scenes along with terrible fight choreography to the movie. So why was I undecided about whether it was good or bad? Because I was tired of seeing the Skywalker family in the Star Wars universe, I didn't want to act stuck in a small area in a big universe, but The Last Jedi made the choices it made at the wrong time. If the seventh movie was The Last Jedi, then it would be right, it would open with a journey to completely different lands with a new trilogy.

If you go to the 9th minute of the video, you can see the terrible action scene in The Last Jedi.

The Rise of Skywalker My god! It was happening again, a movie would reject what the previous movie had done. I got this idea just by seeing the name, but I didn't care much anymore because Star Wars had no value to me anymore. As far as I could see from the box office revenues, most of the audience thought the same as me. Before moving on to the movie, let's talk about the biggest mistake of the last trilogy. When Disney gave a lot of money for the Star Wars brand, they wanted to earn this money back immediately and rolled up their sleeves. Their ambition to make money blinded them so much that they forgot to create a basis for 3 films. They said let's write a new script for every movie. With this haste and lack of trust in the brand, they have screwed themselves up. As each film made its own choices and changed the characters as it wished, a huge black hole was created in terms of integrity.

The thing I couldn't understand the most was the director's choices. Why would you entrust the billion-dollar brand to Rian Johnson? I'm not talking about Rian Johnson personally, his only success worth mentioning is Looper. It too had a decent box office performance and received average scores. I guess Disney entrusts the brand to every director they come across. It was as if they could attract a director whose career was on the rise with high amounts of money.

Where does the inexperience in creating a universe come from? They also have an incredibly successful example. While Marvel has established its cinematic universe so well, I cannot understand how they failed so badly in Star Wars. Kevin Feige is drinking tea right next to you. It shouldn't be this hard to knock on his door and ask for a little help. We have prepared the following visual to better explain to you the problem of integrity of the last trilogy:

With the visual we prepared, we can now focus on the final movie. As you can see in the image, the third movie is made by rejecting everything done in The Last Jedi. The first hour of The Rise of Skywalker is spent cleaning up the nonsense of The Last Jedi. Why nonsense? Because The Last Jedi opened the first black hole. The Rise of Skywalker also made the same mistake. At least if he hadn't opened a second black hole and continued from the first black hole...

The Rise of Skywalker licks our wounds in the first hour and then stomps on you with a meaningless plot. When the tempo of the movie is incredibly high, you feel like you've been beaten. Before we can digest the previous event, another event happens. It is impossible not to have epileptic fits when there are too many unnecessary light effects. Is it a crime that the movie is fast-paced? It's not a crime, on the contrary, we expected it to happen like this. Because it had to wrap up the aftermath of The Last Jedi, bring the end of the 9-film Skywalker Saga, and have a meaningful final movie of the last trilogy. Considering this much responsibility, of course we expected the film to be long and have a fast-paced plot. So where is the problem? If you remember, I said that events have no meaning. Some things happen to them and they solve them in a simple way, but there is no result, the movie repeats this frequently. It neither contributes to the story nor has a lasting impact.

The following part of our article contains spoilers. Our characters need to get important information from C3PO, but due to their protocols, they cannot share this information with our main characters. So they must find an engineer who can intercept their protocol. The movie wastes a lot of time searching for this engineer. When they find the engineer, they learn that C3PO's memory must be erased. As a result, they obtain information and C3PO's memory is erased. The events right now have a lasting impact, so far there is no problem. What happens next? Thanks to R2D2, C3PO's memory returns. So why did we spend 30 minutes of the movie on this? It had no consequences, they could have changed the script and given the information to our characters from a different place. While the film has so many tasks, it has no time for such empty events, what comfort is this, J.J Abrams? He tried to influence us with his nostalgic effect and wanted us to get lost in an adventure, but we didn't eat it, Abrams, we didn't eat it.

While we have tons of unanswered questions about the new Star Wars universe, The Rise of Skywalker ignores them. Because he's busy dissing Rian Johnson. Dear Abrams, you didn't want to follow the path opened by The Last Jedi, we understand that. So why did you betray the Star Wars universe, why did you drown the movie in irrationality? Let's give a spoiler warning for after this part. With what source did Palpatine have hundreds of Star Destroyers built? Let's say he had gold piled up under his pillow. Where did Palpatine find the personnel to operate all those Star Destroyers? There should be a crew of 37,000 people on just 1 Star Destroyer. Our Palpatine wanted to provide employment to the galaxy by having hundreds of Star Destroyers built. The irrationality is not limited to just this. They also equipped each Star Destroyer with a new cannon and gave it the power to destroy planets. Why bother building a Death Star then? Attach a cannon under each Star Destroyer and you'll have hundreds of "Death Stars". Wait a minute! It's still not over! In The Rise of Skywalker, Luke comes as a force ghost, says the exact opposite of what he said in The Last Jedi, says he made a mistake, and then catches the lightsaber in the air in that scene. YES! Luke, a Force Ghost, can interact with objects. What kind of mistake is this? The man is a ghost, a ghost... I started laughing every time when all this illogicality happened one after the other. I was so surprised that I couldn't believe what I saw and was laughing and saying "no way". I never thought that I would watch a Star Wars movie as if it were a comedy movie. That's why I titled this article as a comedy festival, but the movie didn't stop there. It was like a parody movie, even as if it was mocking my intelligence. As for the acting, I can only praise one person. Despite the poorly written character, Adam Driver did his best and played it well. Others were just fine, but the only name worth mentioning was Adam Driver.

In conclusion J.J. Abrams admitted that he started this project 2 years before the release date of The Rise of Skywalker, that they had nothing in terms of subject matter and that he knew from the very beginning that he would never be able to get it together. With this admission, I appreciate that Abrams did his best, but this thing is horribly bad. What do you mean by "this thing"? To a movie called The Rise of Skywalker. So, they claim, this is a movie. Let's face it! These eyes also saw Star Wars begging at the box office with its legs broken, what more can I say? I hope they continue to make things like The Mandalorian without making similar mistakes, I hope Disney gets wiser. I hope he works with more appropriate names for Star Wars. Meanwhile, Rian Johnson managed to redeem himself with the movie Knives Out. I thought I'd mention it as a side note. Finally, may the force be with you! Of course, if it can be…

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