The darkside of #metoo

16 Feb 2024

The #metoo movement is harmful to both women and men

Firstly I will begin by saying my personal opinion which is that anything that is put across in the mainstream as a movement is done with an ulterior motive behind it. The very real problem behind the movement is cause for concern, it is the movement, the message it carries and the damage it can do which is the problem.

Although this subject can be seen as old news as it has been a few years, it is definitely still very relevant.

But what exactly is the #metoo movement?

The #metoo movement is a well publicised, social movement against sexual assault against females with the aim the encourage women to speak out.

How big is the #metoo movement?

Within 24 hours of the first #metoo tweet more than 12 million women had responded claiming they had experienced sexual assault.

Why does the #metoo movement have a dark side?

The first problem is believing all women. It really opens the floodgates to false accusations, witch hunts, blackmail and all kinds of situations.

Why would a woman lie and make false allegations?

Many reasons including trying to advance further in their career, education in a sport or arts activity or whatever ladder they are trying to climb. It could be a strategy for revenge or a way of lashing out if their feelings have been hurt. Possibly a cover for a shameful experience or being unfaithful in their relationship, basically a means to be exempt from accountability.

There are reports of women directly threatening men with false accusations. Even the risk of this backs the men into a corner they don't want to risk. A movement that promotes itself as being for women could well be doing more against women as men are less likely to want to employ them as they are too afraid to work with them.

How do false allegations affect real victims?

The idea that all women should be believed cheapens the suffering that actual victims have had to go through. The real victims get put in the same category as the manipulative, false allegations. If anything this could make it harder for a victim to come forward which ironically is the exact opposite of what the #metoo movement hopes to create.

Both genders are capable of lying

Men and women are equally as capable of lying as each other, it is not one gender worse than the other. An accusation is not proof of guilt. Of course sexual misconduct is an awful thing but so is a false allegation.

Has feminism lost its way?

As a woman and a mother of both daughters and sons I would say 100% yes. Pitting men and women against each other is not equality. We are not putting value on the good men of this world by demonising them. At the same time feminism seems to claim women are the helpless, weaker sex instead of embracing their true feminine qualities which compliment the true masculine qualities of the alpha man.

Yes there is evil on this earth, there is and always has been violence, aggression and suffering but it is not isolated to one gender or the other in the same way it is not isolated to one race or another. There will always be fault where generalisation is concerned.

Consent will not protect you

As a woman and mother my worry is that the next generation will have belief in consent. Be careful out there because a real attacker will not care if you consent or not. Our daughters need to be aware. Meanwhile our sons need to be aware of situations that could be twisted against them in a world that sees accused as guilty.

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