Taxi Driver
Martin Scorsese's 1976 film "Taxi Driver" is one of the most impactful and controversial works in American cinema. It delves into the psychological breakdown of Travis Bickle as he roams the streets of New York, grappling with societal alienation, while serving as an allegory for the transformation in post-Vietnam War America.
Here's a detailed description of the main cast of "Taxi Driver" film:
- Robert De Niro (Travis Bickle): De Niro delivers an unforgettable performance as Travis Bickle, the protagonist of the film. Bickle is a Vietnam War veteran who has severed ties with society and sustains his life by working as a taxi driver on the dirty streets of New York. De Niro was nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal of this role.
- Jodie Foster (Iris Steensma): Foster portrays Iris Steensma, a young and abducted prostitute whom Travis Bickle attempts to rescue throughout the film.
- Cybill Shepherd (Betsy): Betsy is a romantic interest who captures Travis's attention. She works at a campaign office and is a woman of striking beauty who catches Travis's eye. However, their relationship fails due to Travis's struggles to conform to societal norms.
- Harvey Keitel (Matthew "Sport" Higgins): Keitel plays the character of Matthew "Sport" Higgins, who plays a role in Iris's abduction and is the leader of a prostitution ring.
- Peter Boyle (Wizard): Boyle portrays Wizard, Travis's taxi driver friend and mentor. Through Wizard, Travis learns about street life and receives some advice.
- Albert Brooks (Tom): Brooks plays Tom, Betsy's co-worker. He plays a significant role at the beginning of Travis and Betsy's relationship.
- Leonard Harris (Senator): Harris portrays a Senator who visits the campaign office where Betsy and Travis work during an election campaign.
This cast includes both the main characters of the film and important supporting characters with whom Travis interacts. Each actor skillfully portrays the depth and complexity of their characters, contributing to the memorable atmosphere and impact of "Taxi Driver".
Overall Assessment
Travis Bickle is a Vietnam War veteran deeply affected by the war's repercussions and is ostracized by society. The film depicts Bickle cruising alone through the grimy and decayed streets of New York while working as a taxi driver at night, interacting with the city's subcultures. However, Bickle's solitude and alienation from society progressively make him more dangerous.
The film delves deeply into Travis Bickle's psychological state. His monologues and diary entries reveal the conflict and decay within his own mind. Travis becomes ensnared in a set of obsessions and obsessive thoughts that set him apart from "normal" people. These thoughts, combined with his anger at societal injustices and desire for self-validation, propel Travis towards a violent eruption.
The film also examines Travis's relationships and interactions with society. Travis feels a pull towards Betsy, a woman he becomes involved with, but this relationship quickly ends due to Travis's tendency to defy societal norms. Similarly, Travis's political views and sexual deviances become factors that push him further outside of society."Taxi Driver" paints a portrait of societal exclusion and individual conflict while also showcasing a dark side of the American Dream. Travis Bickle is a character who initially wants to be a part of the American Dream but eventually sees how it consumes and destroys him. While criticizing the decay and corruption of American society, the film also deeply explores the effects of this decay on individual psychology.
In conclusion, "Taxi Driver" is a profound character study and a critique of society that holds a significant place in cinema history. Travis Bickle's story serves as a powerful tool for understanding the experiences and inner worlds of those living on the fringes of society. Expertly directed by Martin Scorsese, this film offers audiences an unforgettable experience and continues to raise many discussion-worthy topics even today.
Travis Bickle is an American veteran who has returned from the Vietnam War and now works as a taxi driver in New York City. However, Travis has severed ties with society and is engulfed in profound loneliness. As he roams the decayed and dangerous streets of the city during night shifts, he experiences a deepening conflict within himself.
Travis's loneliness and alienation from society lead him to contemplate deeply about the social issues plaguing the city. In an environment where people live in insecurity, poverty, and moral decay, Travis becomes increasingly filled with anger. This anger eventually reveals his propensity for violence.
While attempting to rescue a kidnapped young girl named Iris, Travis finds himself embroiled in a personal war against the city's decayed structure. In this process, Travis arms himself, prepares physically, and gets ready for a cleansing movement against the city's "filth."
Simultaneously, Travis becomes interested in a woman named Betsy and makes efforts to date her. However, their relationship quickly ends due to Travis's peculiar behavior and social maladjustment. Travis's thoughts become increasingly perverse, and the conflict within his mind deepens.

Ultimately, Travis plans an assassination to kill a politician. However, the plan fails, and he himself is wounded in a violent confrontation. Travis is eventually perceived as a hero and praised for rescuing Iris, but the dark conflict within his mind remains unresolved.
"Taxi Driver" masterfully addresses Travis Bickle's individual breakdown and societal alienation while deeply exploring the decay of American society and the complexity of human psychology. The film retains its significant place in cinema history due to Martin Scorsese's directorial vision and Robert De Niro's unforgettable performance in the lead role.
"Taxi Driver" is a masterpiece that pushes the boundaries of cinema for me, delving deeply into the complexity of human psychology. The film portrays Travis Bickle as a man who has lost his connections with society and is left in loneliness, while also shedding light on the decay of American society and the darker aspects of the human psyche.Robert De Niro's portrayal of Travis Bickle was truly extraordinary. De Niro brilliantly reflected Travis's inner conflicts and escalating anger. Travis's manic gaze and dark monologues deeply affected me.The genius of the film's director, Martin Scorsese, is evident in every scene. The atmosphere of New York's dirty and decayed streets is conveyed compellingly throughout the film. Through Scorsese's direction, the midnight atmosphere of the city further emphasizes Travis's loneliness and conflict within."Taxi Driver" tells the story of a man pushed to the fringes of society while also delving deep into the complexity of human nature, societal injustice, and individual breakdown. Each time I watch it, Travis's inner conflicts and the social critique in the film captivate and provoke thought.However, the film also has a deeply unsettling and dark atmosphere. Travis's perverse thoughts and propensity for violence may disturb viewers. Yet, this discomfort is balanced by the depth and impact of the film's themes.In conclusion, "Taxi Driver" is an unforgettable work in cinema history for me. Travis Bickle's story and the profound themes in the film captivate and provoke thought with each viewing. This film masterfully addresses the complexity of human nature and the decay of society while once again proving the power and impact of cinema.
TAXI DRIVER [1976] - Official Trailer (HD)
Taxi Driver - You Talkin' to Me?
Taxi Driver - Travis Is a Hero