Equipment Used in Chemical Processes

11 Jan 2024

Equipment Used in Chemical Processes


Reactors are closed systems where chemical reactions are carried out and controlled. In chemical engineering, reactors are central components of processes where one or more compounds combine to form a new product. The design of reactors, process optimization, material selection, and control strategies play a significant role in chemical engineering.
Reactors can come in different types and can be designed to accommodate various reaction conditions. Here are some commonly used reactor types in chemical engineering:

Welded Reactors:

Welded reactors are typically used for low-pressure and low-cost reactions. They can be made of materials such as steel or glass.

Seamless Reactors:

Seamless reactors are employed in high-pressure and high-temperature applications. They are often preferred for reactions requiring high durability.

Stirred Reactors:

Stirred reactors include a mixer to ensure homogeneity in the reaction. Stirrers are used to provide effective mixing in liquid-phase reactions.
Bubble Reactors: Bubble reactors are used in gas-liquid reactions, facilitating the distribution of gas in the liquid phase in the form of bubbles.

Solid Bed Reactors:

Solid bed reactors are used for reactions involving solid catalysts. The catalyst participates in the reaction as a solid, playing an accelerating role.

Liquid Bed Reactors:

Liquid bed reactors are utilized in reactions occurring in the liquid phase. Liquids create a bed within the reactor.

These are just a few examples of the various reactor types employed in chemical engineering, each designed to meet specific requirements of different chemical processes.


Filters used in chemical engineering are equipment employed for the separation of solid particles or other contaminants in chemical processes. Filters aim to capture solid particles in a fluid, resulting in a clean fluid.

Pressure Filters:

Pressure filters conduct the filtration process by applying pressure to a filter material. These filters are effective in situations where a high amount of solid particles is present.

Gravity Filters:

Gravity filters are filters through which fluid passes through a filter material under the influence of natural gravity. These filters are generally used for separating larger particles.

Screen Filters:

Screen filters allow the separation of large particles from a fluid by passing it through a screen or sieve. These filters are typically used for the separation of coarser particles.

Cartridge Filters:

Cartridge filters capture solid particles in the fluid with the filter material they contain. Cartridge filters are commonly used for the separation of finer particles and in purification processes.

Membrane Filters:

Membrane filters are filters where a thin membrane allows the fluid to pass through, permitting only particles of a certain size to pass. These filters are used in processes such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, and nanofiltration.
These are just a few examples of filters utilized in chemical engineering, each designed for specific applications to ensure the separation of particles and contaminants in fluid systems.


Pumps used in chemical engineering are mechanical devices that transfer fluids from one location to another. Pumps perform various tasks in chemical processes, such as transferring, pressurizing, or mixing liquids.

Centrifugal Pumps:

Centrifugal pumps expel fluids outward using centrifugal force generated by rotation. These pumps are typically used for transferring high-flow and low-viscosity liquids.

Diaphragm Pumps:

Diaphragm pumps compress liquids forward by the movement of a diaphragm. These pumps are preferred for the safe transport of toxic or corrosive liquids.

Gear Pumps:

Gear pumps move liquids using a pair of gears or rotors. They are used in applications requiring low viscosity and high pressure.
Piston Pumps:
Piston pumps transfer liquids through the forward and backward movement of a piston. These pumps are preferred for processes requiring high pressure.

Screw Pumps:

Screw pumps facilitate the movement of liquids through screw or helical rotors. These pumps are effective for transporting viscous or highly acidic liquids.

Jet Pumps:

Jet pumps operate on the principle of accelerating a fluid and work through the suction principle. Fluid accelerated by another pump draws and transports the liquid.
These are some examples of pumps commonly used in chemical engineering, each designed to fulfill specific roles in the transfer and manipulation of liquids within industrial processes.


Drying is a crucial step in various chemical processes and industrial applications. Below are some drying devices commonly used in chemical engineering:

Fan Dryers:

Fan dryers facilitate the evaporation of moisture by passing hot air over a material. These dryers are preferred for quick drying processes.

Rotary Dryers:

Rotary dryers rotate materials placed on a cylindrical drum, allowing for drying. Hot air or heated gas is introduced into the drum to remove moisture.

Vacuum Dryers:

Vacuum dryers expedite the evaporation of water by maintaining the material under low pressure. These dryers are used for drying delicate materials.

Atomizer Dryers:

Atomizer dryers use a liquid sprayed in a fine mist to achieve rapid drying. Increasing the surface area of the liquid accelerates evaporation.

Drying Ovens:

Drying ovens maintain materials at a constant temperature, facilitating the evaporation of moisture. These ovens are typically used for low-temperature and prolonged drying processes.

These drying devices play a crucial role in the chemical engineering field, enabling the removal of moisture from materials in an efficient and controlled manner.

Distillation Columns

Distillation columns used in chemical engineering are equipment employed to separate components of a mixture. Distillation relies on the principles of vaporization and condensation of components with different boiling points. Distillation columns are widely used in purification processes, providing efficient separation of components with high efficiency.
Distillation columns can be categorized into the following basic types:

  1. Plate Columns (Tray Columns): Plate distillation columns are equipped with various trays, allowing the fluid to undergo vaporization and condensation processes. The trays facilitate the contact between liquid and gas phases, optimizing the separation of components.
  2. Packed Columns (Packed Bed Columns): Packed distillation columns achieve component separation through the use of packing materials (cross-shaped solid rods, rings, wire meshes, etc.) that provide a large surface area. The packing materials enhance the interaction between liquid and gas phases.
  3. Fixed Bed Distillation Columns: Fixed bed distillation columns utilize solid beds within the column. A solid bed involves the use of a solid material as a support structure within the column. This structure promotes the separation of liquid and gas phases, enhancing the efficiency of component separation.
Distillation columns play a crucial role in the chemical engineering field, allowing for the separation and purification of components in various processes. The choice of distillation column type depends on the specific requirements of the application.


Compressors used in chemical engineering are mechanical devices that compress and pressurize gases or vapors. Compressors are utilized to meet pressure requirements for the transportation, pressurization, or processing of gases in various industrial applications. Below are some commonly used types of compressors along with brief descriptions:

  1. Reciprocating Compressors (Piston Compressors): Reciprocating compressors compress gases by the movement of a piston inside a cylinder. They are frequently used in applications such as internal combustion engines in gasoline or diesel engines.
  2. Screw Compressors: Screw compressors compress gases in the gap between screw rotors. This type of compressor is an efficient and low-vibration option for high-volume and medium-pressure gases.
  3. Scroll Compressors: Scroll compressors compress gases using curved blades on a rotor. These compressors are effective in high-pressure applications and provide high efficiency.
  4. Diaphragm Compressors: Diaphragm compressors compress gases with the movement of a diaphragm. They are preferred for the transport of toxic or reactive gases.
  5. Jet Compressors: Jet compressors operate on the principle of a high-speed fluid compressing a low-speed fluid. These compressors are used in high-speed applications such as aircraft engines.
Compressors play a crucial role in the chemical engineering field, ensuring the efficient handling and manipulation of gases in various processes. The choice of compressor type depends on factors such as pressure requirements, application specifics, and efficiency considerations.

Heat exchangers

Heat exchangers used in chemical engineering are equipment designed to facilitate heat transfer. They are employed when temperature changes are required in industrial processes. Heat exchangers are devices that transfer heat from one fluid to another or recover heat within a fluid. Below are some commonly used types of heat exchangers along with brief descriptions:

  1. Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: Shell and tube heat exchangers consist of tubes through which one fluid flows, transferring heat to or from another fluid on the outer surface of the tubes. These heat exchangers are known for their high efficiency, durability, and simple design.
  2. Plate Heat Exchangers: Plate heat exchangers are devices that enable temperature transfer between plates. The plates provide a high surface area, supporting effective heat transfer. Plate heat exchangers offer advantages such as compact design, high efficiency, and ease of cleaning.
  3. Condensers: Condensers are heat exchangers where gas or vapor is condensed into a liquid. Heat is released during this process, providing cooling. Condensers are used for recovering vapor generated during evaporation processes.
  4. Evaporators: Evaporators are heat exchangers where a fluid absorbs heat, leading to its vaporization. Heat is absorbed during this process, and the liquid evaporates. Evaporators are used for concentrating liquids or cooling a process.
  5. Air Coolers (Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers): Air coolers transfer heat by passing air over the external surface of a fluid. These heat exchangers are typically used for cooling air or for heat recovery.

Heat exchangers play a vital role in chemical engineering, ensuring efficient heat management in various industrial processes. The selection of a specific type of heat exchanger depends on factors such as the application's requirements, efficiency considerations, and space constraints.

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