MetaTime (MTC Crypto Coin) Is Big Scam. Do Not Buy MTC Coin

6 Mar 2024

What is MetaTime?

MetaTime is a crypto project consist of MetaChain, MetaDex, MetaCoin (MTC), MetaExchange and lots of other products. Believe me these are all MetaShit and not of them are fully functional. They claim themself "The New Standerd of Blockchain" but I call it "The New Sh*t of Blockchain".

Why MetaTime Coin (MTC) is Scam?

  1. They can't keep their promises at all.
  2. They don't have a single working product.
  3. They said "100,000,000" coins will be airdroped but so far "36,000,000" MTC has been allocated.
  4. They said on 1st Jan 2024 they will start airdropping. But they did for some users but in MetaChain, MetaChain is now useless, you cannot bridge,transfer the funds to Exchanges.
  5. They blocked (around Sep / Oct 2023) many users for KYC, which is mandatory to receive airdrop. They said KYC will reopen in discord and telegram when airdrop will start but so far we got shit from them. Site does not work, I got banned from TG for asking valid question. KYC not reopened as they promised.
  6. In twitter, see the below image, the giveaway is still ongoingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, you you won't get anything from them! To be clear I participated on this, on the day they posted this tweet. But got sh*t.
  7. In twitter, see the below image, participated on the bellow tweet (main tweet it not in their account right now) got sh*t from them.
  8. I'll update the post with more details...... I've many things to add here, stay tuned.

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