A Lesson from Laundry.

25 Mar 2024

I went to take my bath earlier this evening and had to have a change of clothes. I stooped down to have a look at my clean clothes and dirty ones in the different sections of the wardrobe and lo,
the dirty ones were very plenty; only a handful were clean. I do not only have to wear clean clothes after having my bath this evening but, today is Monday.
I got to be clean as well as I go out for the week today morning.

Now this is life.
How clean or good I appear depends on the preparation I had already put in place before the demand comes up. How good you appear or how valuable the services you render today will be, directly depends on how
you have trained, prepared or invested in them. Your dirty clothes will not wash themselves neither will they iron themselves; your skills will not upgrade themselves; your habits will not automatically improve themselves;
your health will not work on itself; the list goes on.

You gotto work! You gotto to prepare ahead and be ready. This post is both to my readers and myself; let's be intentional about the issue of today. Let's begin now.

Happy New Week My People, Sadiq Yusuf cares.

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