28 Oct 2022

This is the way of being truthful, being a true person and not fake, Not leaving in lies and all, just being truthful. Some people find it hard, to tell the truth, because it hurts, as the truth is bitter when told, but what they don’t know is that when you tell the truth, you have a feeling of relief in you, and you feel free. But when you keep such a lie in you, your mind would not be at rest and peace. And some other kinds of people don’t tell the truth because of reasons, such as they are afraid of how the outcome may turn out. But as I said before just tell the truth and will work out for you.


There are so many features that show that you are an honest person. It is not by saying that you are honest, but when you show certain moral attributes that are similar to that of honesty, for they say actions speak better than words. So the following moral attributes will explain further about honesty.
INTEGRITY: Integrity they say, is the act of having good moral attributes such as being
consistent, punctual in your work and so much more. when a person is honest, truthful, and
shows other moral standards that are seen in his or her everyday lifestyle, such a person has a bit of integrity in them.
CONSISTENCY: consistency is very similar to being accurate, when one is consistent, it means the person does things in the same way in a repeated manner, especially one that is positive. When someone is always honest in everything he or she does and practices it in a repeated manner or displays it in their life, it then shows that such a person is full of consistency.

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