Sneak Peek into Season 2 of DapperUndeadSquad

3 Jul 2023

Hello everyone, today I've been working hard on creating the artwork for season 2 of DapperUndeadSquad and I wanted to share my progress here. So for season 2 I am doing a few things differently. I am no longer using the original zombie design from season 1. I am creating different zombies for each NFT in Season 2 ranging in age, interests, clothing styles, & backdrops. I am going for a more cartoonist & HD appearance for this artwork and I am employing AI effects to take some of the workload off. I had a lot of fun working on Season 1 without using AI at all, however it took me almost half of a year to create 50 images. If I want DapperUndeadSquad to succeed & reach the volume of people I hope for, I need to amp up the volume, and as a small artist with no team and little funding, the only answer is to use AI. Now this doesn't mean any less work is going into these works of art, it just means specific processes are being automated to increase production. I still hand draw my sketches for the zombies and personally apply effects & edit each image until I'm pleased with the results, and if anything, I'm really pleased with how the AI I'm using has brought each image to life and added HD definition. (These are just the illustrations, I am still animating all of this artwork before mint) I will share the two zombies I created today below ๐Ÿ‘‡
DapperUndeadSquad Season 2 Artwork
DapperUndeadSquad Season 2 Artwork
Two positive outcomes of making these decisions moving into Season 2!
#1. Increased volume & time to create means that I can begin price this collection modestly moving forward, removing the barrier to entry for many and ultimately getting DapperUndeadSquad in front of many more eyes.
#2. This extra time allows me to begin constructing the framework for future utility & it allows me to spend more of day spreading awareness & marketing. Creating a DAO takes a lot of time and proper preparation and I feel that moving in this direction allows me to work on this while still enjoying working on the artwork.
This project is currently very speculative and I'm working diligently to create something of value, so that this project is catered to the investor as well as the art lover.
I'm going to drop my affiliate links and get back to work ๐ŸŽจ
Have a good night ๐Ÿ˜Ž โœŒ๏ธ

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