This or That: Let’s decide

26 Apr 2024

Good Afternoon Bulb Family!

I hope you are all in good health. I'm doing fine myself, though feeling a bit lazy today. I stayed up very late last night, so this morning I woke up quite late. When I did wake up, I wasn't feeling well. My whole body ached, and I had a headache, so I decided to skip writing today and couldn't visit your articles either. However, after reading Anonymous article about "this or that" questions, I found it very interesting.
I also got an idea after reading her article. We can write about similar topics and come up with questions for ourselves.

You can find some questions on this topic here: [link].

By the way, this article is somewhat related to my previous one on random questions, but it's different because in this article, I have to choose one thing from two options.

Note: This article is also published on my account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Let's Brief: What is cryptocurrency?

 So, without wasting time let’s come to our topic. Today my topic is “This or That: Let’s decide”.

Let’s Start our article:-

This or That: Let’s decide

Cat or Dog?

Image from Unsplash

Well, this is a very difficult question for me because I love both. I had a dog whom I loved dearly, but I also adore cats, especially Persian ones. Many of my friends have cats, though I don’t currently own one. So, if I had to choose, I’d say I prefer cats over dogs.

YouTube or Netflix?

When it comes to Netflix, it definitely has a dedicated fan base. If I'm in the mood for watching series, I usually opt for Netflix. It's easy to find a variety of series with good quality on Netflix. However, considering entertainment, short videos, vlogs, etc., I prefer YouTube. As Ms. Loveleng18 mentioned in her article, while Netflix requires a monthly subscription fee, YouTube is free, which is why I lean towards YouTube.

Beaches or Mountains?

I have a strong affection for mountains, perhaps because I spent my childhood near them. Mountains offer a sense of peace, greenery, and tranquility that I deeply appreciate. Despite having never visited a beach in my life—except for Karachi, which is far from my location—I have an inexplicable fascination with them. From the pictures and movies I've seen, I have developed a unique longing for beaches. Therefore, I would choose beaches over mountains.

Salty or Sweet?

Choosing between salty and sweet is quite challenging for me as I enjoy both flavors. My preference often depends on my mood. Sometimes I crave salty snacks, while other times I have a strong desire for something sweet. Thus, I cannot definitively choose one over the other.

Blue Loving eyes or green Sexy ones?

Image from Unsplash

This question provided a humorous moment for me. It's a common human tendency to desire what we don't have, leading us to sometimes overlook what we already possess. I have green eyes, but I've always admired blue eyes. Therefore, I would prefer blue eyes over green ones.

Android or iOS?

I have been using iOS since the beginning and have never owned an Android phone. Thus, I cannot provide a comparison between the two. For me, iPhone is the epitome of excellence. Although I acknowledge that iOS may have fewer features compared to Android, I firmly believe that an iPhone is the best choice. So, in summary, I prefer iOS over Android. --- I've made the necessary corrections and adjustments. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to modify!

Ending Thoughts

As always, stay safe, stay informed, and have a great day! If you have any questions or further inquiries, feel free to reach out to me through my contact information provided below:

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