Examining the trade history is one technique to recognize a honeypot crypto fraud. A cryptocurrency should generally allow you to buy and sell it whenever you desire. There will be a lot of buys for the coin in a honeypot scam, but people will have a hard time selling it. This indicates that it is not a legitimate coin, and you should avoid it.
Moreover, the data science approach based on the contract transaction behavior can be used to classify contracts as honeypots or non-honeypots.
Where can honeypots arise in Ethereum smart contracts?
Honeypots might appear in three different areas of Ethereum smart contracts implementation. These are the three levels:
• The Etheruem virtual machine (EVM)- Although the EVM follows a well-established set of standards and rules, smart contract writers can present their code in ways that are misleading or unclear at first glance. These tactics might be costly for the unsuspecting hacker.
• The solidity compiler-The compiler is the second area where smart contract developers may capitalize. While certain compiler-level bugs are well-documented, others may not be. These honeypots can be difficult to discover unless the contract has been tested under real-world settings.
• The Etherscan blockchain explorer-The third sort of honeypot is based on the fact that the data presented on blockchain explorers is incomplete. While many people implicitly believe Etherscan's data, it doesn't necessarily show the whole picture. On the other hand, wily smart contract developers can take advantage of some of the explorer's quirks.
We will continue in my next post.
please ensure you do your own research (dyor)