Stephen Hawking

28 Aug 2022

Stephen Hawking 
Stephen Hawking is one of the greatest scientists in the world. He did a lot of research about the universe. The most important thing in his search is the discovery of black holes. Stephen Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England. The world was completely ignorant about black holes.
Black holes used to be mysterious objects before. After the discovery of the first black hole in 1971, the information given by Stephen Hawking proved to be very effective in understanding black holes. Hawking studied gravity in physics, cosmology, quantum theory, information

Worked on the theory and thermodynamics. Stephen Hawking together with Penrose published a paper in 1970 and showed that general relativity means that the universe must have started from the center (singularity) of the black hole.

Stephen began his undergraduate studies at Oxford University in 1959. After earning his degree in physics, Hawking began his PhD under the direction of University of Cambridge cosmologist Dennis Schema.

Stephen was diagnosed with neurodegenerative disease at the age of 21, which slowly brought him to a wheel chair. Due to this disease, his voice also went away. After this he started talking with the help of speech generating device.

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