Getting started with crypto currency

2 Mar 2024

Get a Free Account
Now that you have a crypto wallet, you need a crypto account. Notice that there is a difference between a wallet and an account. A wallet is an app that helps you to interact with your account (s). Your cryptocurrency account is your username or public address/key and your private key. So you can have many cryptocurrency accounts and import them to a simple wallet like TokenPocket. Opening a crypto account is as easy as opening an email account, and most times the wallet and account come together.

EOS accounts are not free right now because of the special and awesome features in EOS. They cost $1 to $10 or even more depending on where/how you are getting them. I identify with a lot of young people who could not buy EOS accounts because Google PlayStore would not accept their ATM. I have therefore secured 100 free EOS accounts for you awesome people. If you need a free EOS account (and other freebies), click on this link. It will automatically generate a tweet. Tweet it. When you have tweeted that, holler at me on twitter and I’ll drop a promo code in your inbox which you can use to get a free EOS account.

For a meagre fee, you can get an EOS account/wallet from Google PlayStore or AppStore, you can also get a desktop wallet/account for your computer and you can pay with any means including PayPal.

Earn Some Cryptocurrency
We are on the brink of cryptocurrency adoption, and people are getting paid for learning about cryptocurrency and doing simple tasks. If you are not familiar with cryptocurrencies, this may sound strange to you but if you have been lurking around the crypto space, you should already know that people get paid for doing simple things. All forms of value will eventually be represented as tokens. Everything will be tokenized.

Below are some ways that you can earn cryptocurrency by doing simple online tasks. These require that you have an EOS account.

Get paid for learning; Coinbase and TokenPocket
You could earn over $130 from Coinbase for viewing educational videos about cryptocurrency. The only problem is that they would put you in a perpetual waiting list before you can access your funds. I know few people who have been able to earn this way but the majority of the folks I know are still waiting.

You can earn some TokenPocket tokens by reading this post titled “5 things you probably didn't know about TokenPocket” and sharing it on Twitter.

Get paid for doing simple tasks to help AI
In you can get paid in EFX tokens for doing online tasks such as audio transcription, content moderation e.t.c. By doing those tasks, you are also training an AI algorithm.

Get paid for Doing Good
Karma aims to reward people with karma tokens for doing good. You can earn karma tokens for posting positive content via their app.

Earn Cryptocurrency by Playing Games. is a fine example.
Prospectors is a real-time, multilayer economic strategy game where players mine gold(PGL tokens) which they can spend in real life. The plot of the game mimics a typical gold rush.

Join a Local Crypto Community
“Surround yourself with people that inspire and encourage positive change in your life. Build a team in which you can work together to support each other and build better lives.”
― Avina Celeste

If you are new to crypto, being part of a crypto community where you can learn and converse with other crypto enthusiasts is very important. You need a local support group where you can discuss and gossip about the latest crypto trends and learn about updates and opportunities. The cryptocurrency industry is still young and just like a child, it is growing rapidly. Being part of a community and joining in the discussions helps you keep up to date with the latest trends.

If you don't have a local crypto community, that's a problem waiting for you to solve it. Create one. Raise the discussion. Assume the position of a leader. The benefits are immense.

Read a book about Crypto
I started this post talking about getting an education and knowledge about cryptocurrency. I'm reemphasizing it for the sake of emphasis. Your knowledge and understanding of the crypto technology and market will make a huge difference and make you stand out. The more you know about crypto, the more you could identify opportunities along the value chain.

One book I recommend for you is “Understanding EOS”. This is perhaps the best book that you would read about blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Click here to pre-order for the book.

Understanding EOS
“If you will get anywhere in life, you have to read a lot of books.” — Roald Dahl

Go for more Knowledge
Register for cryptocurrency course and more knowledge about the subject. The only investment I made in crypto was a $100 course on Nexxus university. It paid off. Getting knowledge about cryptocurrency would give you an edge in the years to come. No matter what your interest is, you will have to deal with money one way or the other, a crypto education is therefore important. Cryptocurrency is money! Everyone will use it. It is not only for crypto enthusiasts. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency education opens up new businesses and employment for people as new innovations come to the market.

If you are a developer of you, are interested in coding, check out this EOS Developer Course below. It’s awesome!

Get a Crypto Job
There is a lot of opportunity in the cryptocurrency space for talented people. If you have digital skills, I bet that you could earn more if you are working for a blockchain company or project. This is not a random guess; According to, the average pay for blockchain engineers is significantly higher than the average salary of a software engineer in other roles. There has been a 517% increase in demand for blockchain developers, and research proves that this will continue to rise over the years. Companies and employers do not care about your university degree/certificates. They only care about your ability to perform.

Invest in Crypto
Investing in crypto is one of the smartest things you can do in 2019. Negative interest rates, hyperinflation in many countries, trade wars, e.t.c indicate that we are heading for a major financial crisis. Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Argentina, are facing an economic crisis because of bad monetary policies. In Venezuela for example, you’ll need a wheelbarrow of cash to buy tissue paper because the money has lost a lot of value because of hyperinflation caused by excessive printing of money. You want to invest in crypto because it would give you a hedge against the Naira or the dollar or any other government-backed currency.

The Venezuelan bolivar has become near-worthless, following a severe economic downturn. To show the extent to which hyperinflation has gripped the country, Reuters photographer Carlos Garcia Rawlins created images of everyday food and household items alongside the amount of money it costs to buy them. A 2.4kg chicken has been costing 14,600,000 bolivars (equivalent to $2.22, or £1.74) in the capital, Caracas.
Investing in crypto is good. But don’t just invest because everyone is investing or because there is a lot of hype. You need to invest in yourself first. Invest in your knowledge. You need to know what is going on because investing in crypto is risky. Learn before you invest. Investing is risky. Take calculated risks. Invest an amount that you can part with, and you can gradually increase your portfolio as you become more confident and understand more about crypto.


In a nutshell, these are 10 practical steps that you can take to begin your crypto journey.

Invest in your education first.
Avoid scams.
Start with TokenPocket.
Create Crypto Accounts and import them to TokenPocket app.
Earn Some Cryptocurrency: Get paid for learning (Coinbase), for doing simple tasks to help AI (, for doing good and for playing games like, e.t.c
Join a local crypto community.
Read a book about crypto.
Go for more knowledge: register for a cryptocurrency/blockchain course.
Get a crypto job.
Now that you are bestowed with all this knowledge, it's time to take action. This crypto race is not a sprint but a marathon. So as you start your crypto journey, do not crouch. Stand up!

Remember that this is a war. We are in the middle of a financial revolution. It’s not just a revolution of money. Blockchain and cryptocurrency would change the way we perceive and transfer value and interact with one another. It would change everything. There will be a massive wealth transfer in this decade. You have a choice to make. You can let others decide for you and let life happen to you or you can educate yourself, take an active role in deciding your future and take part in this revolution.

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