Future of Web 3.0
Web 3.0 is a new generation of the Web with new capabilities, including personalizing user permissions, protecting information and data, and is said to be better than Generations 1 and 2.
Along with the Metaverse, Web 3.0 promises to be the future of technology. The emergence of Web 3.0 can solve the limitations of the previous Web 2.0 and Web 1.0. However, the platform is not really widely known at the moment. Many technologists also worry that Web 3.0 is unrealistic.
The Web 3.0 generation refers to a decentralized network system built on blockchain technology and improves the limitations of the previous generation of networks. Unlike Web 2.0, which was widely used to read, write, share information, engage with, and respond to content online, Web 3.0 is also proprietary. Users are in control of their own data, identity and destiny.
When it comes to decentralized network platforms, some experts said: In the network 2.0 stage, companies start to collect information and use it to make profits. Once users realize that their personal information has been leaked and sold to third parties, the need for security becomes even more urgent. This is also the premise of the birth of Web 3.0. Blockchain is the final piece that helps shape this phase.
The decentralized network platform will include Ubiquity, Semantic Web, Artificial Intelligence, and 3D Graphic. With typical web platforms, user interaction with 2D images is very limited. With Web 3.0, many websites and platforms can responsively display 3D images, allowing users to experience and interact with more lifelike and realistic images.
The future of truly perfect Web 3.0 applications will consist of three main components: data encryption and decentralization; blockchain technology; and power in the hands of users. Especially when this platform becomes popular, users can retain rights and protect all personal information, security capabilities are not exploited by third parties.
Web 3 is considered a fairer world when it comes to issues of personalization, intellectual property, information security, and user safety.
Web 3.0 will function more securely than Web 1.0, Web 2.0, thanks to two factors: distributed and decentralized nature. It is difficult for hackers or miners to break into the network. Additionally, large companies such as Facebook or Google are not allowed to sell user data to third parties.
The innovation of Web 3.0 is data ownership. Data transmitted over the network will be fully encrypted. This allows users to have full ownership of their data and determine their ownership without fear of information being lost or stolen. From there, all users can generate added value from creativity.
On the Web 3.0 network, users can also sell their own data directly without going through a third party. Thanks to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Web 3.0 can filter and provide the best data to users. Web 3.0 services also have no fixed servers. So the system will continue to work until the network goes away.
However, many technologists say that Web 3.0 is not yet user-friendly for most users. This internet age is only accessible to young people who have access to vast amounts of information.