History of Womankind: Empowering Women Across Borders

3 Feb 2024

Womankind Worldwide, founded in 1989, stands as a beacon of hope for women and girls globally. This UK-based feminist organization collaborates with women’s movements in Africa and Asia, striving to create lasting change in their lives. Let’s delve into the remarkable journey of Womankind and its unwavering commitment to gender equality.

Origins and Founding

  • Sir Alec Reed, visionary founder of Womankind, envisioned a world where women’s rights were championed.

Approach and Impact

  • Womankind operates without offices in the countries it serves. Instead, it empowers existing women’s movements to strengthen their local and national contexts.
  • Their support includes technical assistance, communication networks, advocacy platforms, and funding opportunities.
  • Together with partners, Womankind focuses on three critical areas:
    1. Policy and Legal Change: Advocating for laws that combat discrimination and protect women.
    2. Quality Services: Ensuring universal access to services that safeguard and restore women’s rights.

Key Focus Countries and Partners


  • Womankind collaborates with Ethiopian partners addressing issues like sexual violence, disabilities, and entrepreneurship among women.


  • In Kenya, Womankind’s partners focus on legal advocacy, providing free legal services, and advocating for women with disabilities.

3. Nepal

  • Womankind supports partners working primarily with Dalit women, women with disabilities, and indigenous women in Nepal.

Vision for the Future

  • Womankind’s mission revolves around three core aims:
    1. Ending Violence: Eradicating all forms of violence against women and girls.
    2. Economic Rights: Empowering women economically and ensuring control over resources.


Womankind Worldwide continues to be a force for change, amplifying the voices of women and girls worldwide. As we celebrate their 30th anniversary, let us stand together, united in the pursuit of gender equality. Because when women thrive, societies flourish.

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