Why I write in Bulb - and the reality of it.

16 Jun 2024

What is Bulb?

It's a blogging project based on crypto Solana.

It utilizes "Do to earn" concept to earn crypto.

It's kind of obvious. But.

It seems that some people are still confuse what Bulb actually is. Shocker. This write up meant to be condescending and sarcastic more than I used to while writing. You have been warned. *chuckle*


Now let's go over what people think it is.

Some people think this platform is "Spam to earn"

Some people think this platform is "COPY PASTE to earn"

Some people think this platform is "FOR PROFIT ONLY"

Most people think its all of it.

It's a sad thing, really, really sad. I mean, of course this is a crypto project and all we want from a crypto project is to earn crypto and be profitable and be immensely rich by it. Although I would argue if you want to be rich overnight by investing in crypto, I believe that you have followed the wrong crypto project. Yes, that was meant to be mean.

On the serious not and historically factual, no real crypto projects made people rich overnight. Pay attention, I added "overnight". Bitcoiners held on BTC for more than 5 years to see significant growth in their wallets. Same for ETH, ADA, DOGE, SHIBA and other altcoins. Even airdrop hunters goes through a lot of arduous mini tasks to get their share of airdrops. People who held on NFT, well, sees growth but quickly crashed in prices as most of the NFT projects are often hype and just trends. Most of NFT holders find themselves in a difficult position to flip it right now, unless its a fresh project. Either way, most people paid a huge price, being misled that "Luck" is actual Skill. Because most could not repeat the "legendary" trade again.

I don't mean you can't get rich by Bulb, it just takes more time than a Memecoin and altcoins. Provided if every piece of the puzzle being placed at the right space. Because the narratives that each played into are vastly different. We can also say that right now, is not the best timing of all. The market seems a little bit confuse of which direction it will go, UP or DOWN. Honestly, its true either way. Don't be fooled by randomness, says a wise man. Don't try to guess it, it's a fool's errand.

What is not random though? Something that you can control is a good example of it. Duh.

  1. Learning a skill
  2. Building a project

That is why the best time to build a project, is when Bear is in the air. Why not? Nothing exciting is happening, and you have all the time in the world, instead of staring into the chart waiting for the lines to break. What a waste - the illusion of control causes most damage in crypto.

Therefor I write, because through writing, I learn and build. That is not random. They will become useful in the future. It's controllable. I can choose what skill to learn, and what to build. And ultimately is a better use of my time.

Why write in crypto project?

The advantages of platforms like Hive, Publish0x, Bulb.

  1. Basically there are close to minimum starting budget while some are totally free.
  2. Alternative to self hosting Publishing platforms
  3. Readily available readers
  4. You get paid, while honing your craft.
  5. You suck, still get paid.
  6. You became better, get paid more.
  7. You name whatever you like about crypto based project here; any of these text based projects follow the crypto "benefits" checklist.

The part where you own your content is still up to debate, but, we are slowly moving towards that direction.

I know most of people that involved themselves with Bulb think that the project will become highly profitable. Who are not anyway? But of course you have to manage your expectation and learn that patience, goes a very long way. Very long indeed that it made the impatience looked the fool that says:

"Why would anyone write for such low earning?"

My answer: Well, I write even there are no compensation for it. Getting my effort and time spent tokenized, is more than I can ask for as a beginner. And platforms like Bulb in crypto, is the reason why crypto is the best. Try writing everywhere else, if you are getting paid constantly for it. Don't come back here without getting your effort paid. There are, but chances are that those people won't hire you anyway. If you are confident in your skill, then do some ghost writing. No? Then STFU.

"Promised profit"

My response: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I never heard the project claims such a thing. I think that is something the community members said, based on their opinions, and made into real by you. You have to stop imagining things in your head. There are no such thing as "promised" profit. What are we, MLM? lol. Then write, read, interact, moderate, and then you will get some kind of profit out of the time you spent. Why whine? That's not productive.

"What is so positive about token price falling?"

My response: Dude, this is crypto. In case you did not get any memo, prices goes up and down like nobody's business. That is why this investment vehicle is not recommended for people whom are less tolerable to risk. What do you want? Rainbows and pancakes where everything is good and up? Positive is what you find in between the lines. Price dumping, means you have the opportunity to buy more. Price dumping means that it is less attractive to bad actors and could potentially bring in investors. Investors who buy at the peak of the price are idiots. Price being low has more upside than there is downside. Both still exist, but it tilts upward.

"We are in worse position now"

My response: I've watch this movie before. Its always the passengers that said we will all die. I'll be more wary if the captain of the ship that says that. Who are you again? Right, a token holder. Just. If your heart couldn't take the long draught, then I suggest that you sell your position and buy a tradfi based investments, at least they have insurance for your fear. FYI, the whole crypto space is in turmoil right now. It's about to get much more worst than it is. That is why I suggested my readers to do something that they can control: Buy/Sell (Hedge yourself), Learn skills, Build something. Trust me, been in worst. Didn't die. Don't spread stupid unnecessary FUD, while claiming it to be a constructive criticism.

I want to say this is the type of mentality we have in crypto. Not all, but mostly. Impatience, ungrateful, lazy, entitled. And most of all, idiotic.

What Do I think?

For a writer such as myself, BULB is a godsent project. I know we are not being paid much to write here. Let's not dwell on the reason why the token isn't pumping as most expected. There can be many reasons to why that is. I wish not to claim that I know anything, because I will look like a fool. Like most people who claimed they knew the exact reason. lol. Easy said than done, is what I would say. If you were such an expert, then why are you still here. smh* It is much better for you that "knows" what exactly is wrong with this project, to make your own project and become a trillionaire with millions of token holders. What are you waiting for? There's A.I, right?

I digress.

I have no intention of claiming that everyone in the space of internet operates on the basis of similar moral, ethical values that dictates why they want to write and get involved with the project. Most are different with identical 1 goal, and that goal being is for monetary gains. While some, has entirely different goals but stand on the same reasons. Who knows really. I am not a mind reader.

But if you have no reason to why you write except for the glory of the money it can bring, then perhaps, this is not the endeavor you want to get involve with. Writing is not easy, it requires patience with the craft. It requires deep passion love for self expression through the use of words and phrase. I could probably name a few other things, to make money from. Provided you have the right skills for it. If you don't, best to stay silence and enjoy the project as it intended to be. Or better yet, learn how to write. Instead of complaining. Time spent for that, is time wasted.

Miniscule as it is, I am still getting paid for it. Where else can you earn by writing?
This is real life example of how you can earn today by writing.

  1. Medium (You have to subscribe to Medium as their paid user - $60 per anum. Have written an article in past 6 months, and have a minimum follower of 100 accounts) To start earning
  2. Publish0x ( You'll earn around 20 to 50 cents per article you write - that is if your article is deemed worthy tipping ) You can technically write more to earn more, but, a single person can only tip the same person after a long period of time. One person gets a 6 - 8 times counts of tipping per day. Take a guess how much people can tip you without getting the annoying cool down.
  3. Hive / Leofinance (Free to use, but you have to write a really good article to start earning and have loyal followers who likes what you wrote and write). Else, there's a chance that you'll earn close to 0 dollar per article. A.I generated write ups are highly frowned upon and won't get you anywhere in the platform. Guess you have to learn how to write then.
  4. Read.Cash (The platform is still free to use, and the U.I is simple and easy to navigate, but the space is a ghost town - you can still write to earn around 0.06 cents per writing, might be lower)
  5. Torum (This platform resembles facebook and sometimes if people like what you wrote, they will leave you a tip or two for your content, but the main way of earning in this platform is by diligently completing your daily and weekly task - per weekly, you could earn around 50 cents - not bad maybe). Edit: There are changes coming to the platform and they might not be text based project anymore.
  6. Solcial (No clear way of how to monetize except for minting your own token and hope that people would buy it from you - lots of branding work to do, early earning capability is close to 0 unless you have already been popular at other social media platform)
  7. Tangled (I'm still trying to learn how you could earn from this, so yeah, can't really say much about it)

I might be missing a few other platforms there, but there are not much option for you to earn through writing/blogging. My point was, even though the pay is miniscule, I am still getting paid anyway. While I try to master my writing craft, why not get paid at the same time and don't forget, you get to expose your own personal brand to the world - for free.

Why I write in BULB?

Let me be clear that I am not here to take sides of which is right or wrong. I am here to elaborate the reason to why I WRITE. It is up to you my fellow readers to interpret that however you wish to. It is not my fault that you feel that my writing is directed towards you, as they said, if the cap fits, wear it.

Through writing, I learn, and the knowledge that I gained, would reduce the probability of me gambling away my life. My wife says this to me when we first met, that one way of me doing things, is how I'll do anything else in life. That stuck with me until today. And that perhaps, will shape me into a better person in future than who I am today. I intend to fully utilize what the platform has prepared for us users. It seems stupid not to.

And if Bulb or any other similar projects to it failed, I would still have my writing skills with me. I still am friends with the friends I made here. Those are wonderful things. So why complain, that you get a miniscule reward when the fact stands that you get rewarded anyway for honing your skill. There are writers out there whom are not being rewarded a single cents. Writing is not everyone's cup of tea.

That has brought me repeatedly to this very question.

Why on god's green earth are you doing here?

So when the opportunity to earn a little bit from the skill that I deem as necessary, existed. Why not take that opportunity? Its almost idiotic not to. Wait, correction, it's exactly stupid not to. I write because it's necessary for my own growth. There's Bulb, Publish0x, Hive, Medium, Read.Cash and many more where I can write and earn a little bit while I design my own blogging site. I can also cross reference my readers to my original blog for more traffic, and I can bring in more users into good earning platforms too while at it. A win, win, and win situation. People tend to miss the opportunity that hides beneath the rug, only to stomp over it time and time again complaining that "the project failed". While in reality it is you that failed to see good in bad, and good in good. That says more about yourself as a person, to be honest.

Then to summarize what I have been saying,

  1. What you think of something, is a direct reflection of who you are
  2. Bulb isn't perfect, no one single project in crypto is.
  3. Perhaps what you need is a little patience. Who knows what'll happen. Bulb might make most of its token holders a millionaire.
  4. Considering that you get to write, or practice to write, while getting some form of payment for it - isn't the word "thankful" is the one you looking for?
  5. I write because it reduces the "gamble" factor in my personal life
  6. I write first not for the reward, but to improve on my skills and knowledge. It forces me to learn things that I did not know before.
  7. If you do not like to write, or read, or comment, or interact with people, then why are you here?

End of summary.

Well, with that, I think we often being misled that there are other projects out there that is better than the one you are in right now. Fact is, grass often seems greener on the other side. The real productive thing you can do, and with the initial intention of this project - to write, to interact. Tokenize your time wisely. You'll never know how much that tokens will be worth. It's a fair trade, as you'll get to improve your skills and learn new ones along the way. Oh and we can be friends too!


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