Weight Loss tip...

7 Aug 2022

By drinking these 2 sour things with hot water, the fat will melt:

The faster the weight increases, the more difficult it is to reduce it. Many times the weight is not reduced even after all the exercises and dieting. If you are facing such a problem, then this news is very useful for you.
Losing weight is also a difficult task to remove the fat jammed on the stomach. Let us tell you that most of the fat is on the stomach and the fat accumulation also starts from here. Not only this, even if the weight is reduced, many times the stomach does not reduce. In such a situation, we should include things that increase the metabolic rate in our diet.
To reduce weight and belly fat, you should take things full of vitamin C, as well as try to consume more hot and lukewarm water. So let's know what are the two sour things and after getting what in them, the weight starts decreasing rapidly.
Lemon and Amla are the powerhouses of Vitamin C and if you make a habit of drinking them in lukewarm water, then they will work to cut your fat. On the other hand, if some other herbs or spices are added to it, then it will be converted into a miracle weight loss drink. So let's know how to drink and make it.
Take the juice of half a lemon and one gooseberry and one inch of ginger. Now heat water and boil one spoon cumin, one spoon fennel, one spoon coriander. After boiling for five minutes, add lemon amla juice according to taste and add a spoonful of honey. Drink this juice every morning on an empty stomach. If you have acidity or gas problem, then drink it after about 3 hours after eating anything. Do not take it more than twice in a day.

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