Hello from me

9 Oct 2024

Hi, I’m Ben Westerham, a UK-based indie fiction author, writing mainly crime, mystery and thriller stories, although I also stray into sci-fi and fantasy. I love to blog too, usually about writing, reading, publishing and really anything that's book related.

As someone who spent many years working in the world of I.T. I was attracted to the possibilities of blockchains from very early on. I've got even more involved in the space in recent years as Web3.0 has brought people like me so many new ways to reach those who want to be entertained by our stories.

You notice there I didn't refer to readers, that's because, whilst they remain my core audience, there are more and more ways now to deliver my stories to people and that's even before we start looking at the possibilities that AI brings to the table. I only wish there were more than twenty-fours hours in each day so I can spend more time exploring and experimenting.

What else can I tell you? I've got a sense of humour and can't stop that from seeping into a lot of my writing. I love plain chocolate. I own too many books. I love to garden. I spend too much time at the keyboard.

If you'd like to check out the sort of things I write, apart from this blog, then go to my website Ben Westerham. There's also a short story there you can read or listen to. As I did the narration for that myself, you'll also be able to hear my voice. You'll need to decide for yourself whether or not that's a good thing.

Do say hello if you pass this way.

All the best,


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