Effortlessly Deploy Your GCP Cloud Run App Using Terraform
Terraform is gaining more popularity for a reason as it provides high level of control flexibility as IaC(Infrastructure as Code)
Supports modules, keeps track of state of your infrastructure and is helpfull if your project is complex, multi-cloud or hybrid enviornments.
To start off be sure to follow this guide for Terraform instalation if you havenโt done so and be sure to have GCP account already set up.
You should have the app already prior deployed through other means like CLI to understand the deployment process, baseline configuration, incremental transition etc.
Related blog with manual deployment I added bellow ๐๐
How to Deploy a Go service to GCP Cloud Run
Learn how to effortlessly deploy your Go service to GCP Cloud Run with Docker, environment variables, andโฆblog.stackademic.com
Project Structure
For my project structure I have these files and directory structure.
terraform/ โโโ modules/ โ โโโ docker/ โ โ โโโ docker-artifact.tf โ โ โโโ variables.tf โ โโโ gcp/ โ โ โโโ cloud-run.tf โ โ โโโ variables.tf โโโ main.tf โโโ set-prod.env.sh โโโ terraform.tfvars โโโ variables.tf โโโ account_key.json
: Including the required providers and the Google provider configuration.variables.tf
: Describe how to define variables for your project.terraform.tfvars
: Explain how to set variable values specific to your environment.set-prod.env.sh
: Sets the enviornment variables for terraform with TF_VAR prefix flag.- Modules: Detail the
modules, explaining their roles and how they interact.
IaC Scripts
I will showcase from parent to child modules scripts for more of a higher order guide.
Most likely you will have env variables most convieneit way for me is to create shell script with the TF_VAR_
prefix that Terraform will recoginze and use ones initialized(but for that later).
#!/bin/bash #server export TF_VAR_redis_url="redis_url" export TF_VAR_firebase_account_key="your_account_key.json" export TF_VAR_client_url="client_url" export TF_VAR_gcp_account_key="client_url" echo "Environment variables for Terraform GCP set."
Variables that i have as well set in module level but parent will usually contain all of them but in module level i just passed the right ones.
variable "project_id" { description = "The ID of the Google Cloud project." type = string } variable "project_name" { description = "The project name of the Google Cloud Run project." type = string } variable "region" { description = "The Google Cloud region." type = string } variable "redis_url" { description = "The URL for the Redis instance." type = string } variable "client_url" { description = "The URL for the client application." type = string } variable "gcp_account_key" { description = "Path to the Google Cloud service account key file." type = string } variable "firebase_account_key_location" { description = "Firebase account key location in Docker container." type = string }
There is as well other script file that I created that does NOT contain private or secret key values that can be easily modified and is handy for default values thats your terraform.tfvars
project_id = "recepies-6e7c0" project_name = "recipe-service" region = "europe-north1" gcp_account_key = "./account_key.json" firebase_account_key_location = "/app/config/account_key.json"
Lets talk about ๐ in the room our main.tf
terraform { required_providers { google = { source = "hashicorp/google" version = ">= 4.0.0" } } required_version = ">= 0.12" } provider "google" { credentials = file(var.gcp_account_key) project = var.project_id region = var.region } # Get project information data "google_project" "project" { project_id = var.project_id } module "docker" { source = "./modules/docker" project_id = var.project_id } module "cloud_run" { source = "./modules/gcp" project_id = var.project_id region = var.region redis_url = var.redis_url client_url = var.client_url firebase_account_key_location = var.firebase_account_key_location cloudrun_image = "gcr.io/${var.project_id}/recipe-server:latest" depends_on = [ module.docker ] }
At the begining I define the PaaS provider as i use GCP google is added you can add AWS, Azure or other providers. Creditentials are essential to approve your request to any cloud provider the gcp_account_key you pass as a json file that i have in parent terraform directory.
At above screenshot you can see i have created a Service account key in GCP and passed the right IAM access rights.
It crucial to assign the correct IAM (Identity and Access Management) access rights to the account_key.json
as otherwise you will have different permission issues when trying to run Terraform. Roles viewer, editor, storage.admin, cloudrun.admin, Docker artifacts.
There is an alternative as well to just assign roles and permission through IaC but for me itโs more an hastle at least until i get more familiar with it.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding YOUR_PROJECT_ID \ --member="serviceAccount:YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL" \ --role="roles/editor"
Above ilustrates how it could be done.
Then next steps are running your modules I start off with docker as need to create Docker Artifact in GCP and after that is completed I do the same with Cloud Run. Keep in mind I access the dir with "./modules/docker"
and pass needed variables from parent to child modules/docker/variables.tf
resource "google_project_service" "container_registry_api" { project = var.project_id service = "containerregistry.googleapis.com" disable_on_destroy = false } resource "null_resource" "docker_build_push" { triggers = { always_run = timestamp() } provisioner "local-exec" { command = <<-EOT # Build the Docker image docker build -t gcr.io/${var.project_id}/recipe-server:latest . # Configure docker to authenticate with GCP gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet # Push the image docker push gcr.io/${var.project_id}/recipe-server:latest EOT } depends_on = [ google_project_service.container_registry_api ] }
The docker-artifact.tf is quite short as only think we need is to define the resources used starting with container_registry_api and secondly docker_build_push add provisioning for local execution and end it with building and deploying the grc docker image with passed in var.project_id + add that it depends on container_registry_api as its required.
Lastly in our IaC we deploy it running our last module with "./modules/gcp"
resource "google_project_service" "required_apis" { for_each = toset([ "run.googleapis.com", "containerregistry.googleapis.com" ]) project = var.project_id service = each.key disable_on_destroy = false } resource "google_cloud_run_service" "recipe_service" { name = var.project_name location = var.region project = var.project_id template { spec { containers { image = var.cloudrun_image env { name = "REDIS_URL" value = var.redis_url } env { name = "CLIENT_URL" value = var.client_url } env { name = "FIREBASE_ACCOUNT_KEY" value = var.firebase_account_key_location } } } } depends_on = [ google_project_service.required_apis ] } resource "google_cloud_run_service_iam_member" "public_access" { location = google_cloud_run_service.recipe_service.location project = google_cloud_run_service.recipe_service.project service = google_cloud_run_service.recipe_service.name role = "roles/run.invoker" member = "allUsers" }
Same as for docker module we define required resources for "google_cloud_run_service"
we select the name, region, project_id then select the image thats been passed from main.
If you have required env variables pass them as well.
IAM member resource is added to give permission for deployment to Cloud Run.
Deploying Your Application
Now when architecture is set and done we do the following steps.
1.Initialize Terraform
terraform init
2. Run the Shell Script or manually set your env variables
source set-prod.env.sh
For terraform to access the .env variables.
3. Preview the changes in terraform or dirrectly deploy it.
terraform plan //Helps you preview the changes that Terraform will make to your infrastructure. terraform apply //Run the terraform script to deploy your app through IaC.
If all is good you will end up with something like this.
If commiting to GitHub be note worthy to add some files in .gitignore as terraform generates artifacts and backup etc.
terraform/set-prod-env.sh terraform/account_key.json terraform/.terraform terraform/.terraform.lock.hcl terraform/.terraform.tfstate.lock.info # Ignore Terraform working directory terraform/.terraform/ # Ignore tfstate files and backups *.tfstate *.tfstate.backup
While IaC adds some complexity compared to manual setup it adds as well levarage as mentioned before of more maintainability and automation espectially of interact between multiple cloud providers etc. As well for me personally it gives more power to me as a developer!
Repo you can find here.