OpenAI Started Allowing the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Military Purposes.

13 Jan 2024

OpenAI updated its usage policies and removed the section prohibiting the use of artificial intelligence tools for military and war purposes. The ban on weapons development continues to exist.

OpenAI has been one of the technology companies we talked about the most in the last year. OpenAI, which managed to shake the technology world with the large language model (LLM) GPT-4 it developed and the artificial intelligence-supported chat bot ChatGPT that is available to everyone, has achieved great success, but on the other hand, it also asks "Will artificial intelligence bring the end of humanity?" He ran into the debates with a fuel tanker.

Moreover, the biggest controversies surrounding OpenAI may be yet to come. Because OpenAI updated its usage policies and removed the "Unauthorized use of our models" section from the page. In the section in question, it was stated that the use of OpenAI products for military and war purposes was prohibited, but there is no such warning anymore.

The warnings on OpenAI's old usage policies page were as follows:

“We have updated our Usage Policies to be clearer and provide more service-specific guidance,” OpenAI wrote in the release notes section of its new “Usage Policies” page, effective January 10th. He uses the expressions. However, the removal of the "unallowed use" section, which states the purposes for which artificial intelligence cannot be used, has raised a big question mark.

When we look at the old usage policies page of OpenAI products;

  • Weapon development
  • Military and war
  • Management or operation of critical infrastructures in the fields of energy, transportation and water
  • Content that promotes, promotes, or depicts acts of self-harm such as suicide, self-cutting, and eating disorders

It was clearly stated that its use was prohibited for such activities that pose a high risk of physical harm. In the "clearer" new usage policies, there are no warnings about military and war use. Warnings continue to be made about weapons development, infrastructure services and suicide.

OpenAI's new usage policies page is as follows:

There is nothing more normal than OpenAI changing its usage policies as it develops new products. For example, with the recently launched GPT Store, developers will feature their own applications developed with GPT-4, and it is normal for usage policies to be updated to make room for more types of applications.

However, the fact that OpenAI continues to update and maintain almost all warnings in its old usage policies and has removed the warnings in the military field does not mean that the company fully allows the use of GPT-4 in the military field, but it can be interpreted as not imposing a ban.

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