Episode 2 of JD's Rants

25 Jul 2024

Challenging the “Crazy Woman” Stereotype

Episode 2 of JD’s Rants

In this episode, JD dives deep into the troubling history and ongoing impact of labelling women as “crazy.” From ancient medical misconceptions where it all began, through to modern-day gaslighting, he unpacks how these harmful stereotypes have been weaponised to undermine women’s credibility and continues to this very day.

JD calls for action, urging listeners to rethink their language and stand up against these damaging narratives. Tune in for a passionate rant that challenges societal norms and advocates for change. This is an episode you don’t want to miss!

If you have a topic you think needs a good rant, hit me up here on Substack or email me at JDs-Rants@writerswithoutwalls.com. Or if you have a different perspective or want to have a rant yourself, hit me up.

Credit — Refinery29 — What Does it Realy Mean to call Someone Crazy

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