It's not about getting rich
The rise of cryptocurrencies has sparked a global revolution, reshaping the way we deal with money be honest, a big chunk of us (We are like, more than 1000 crypto users right now - I am being sarcastic, don’t crucify me please) is here for the tech, but we cannot blatantly lie. Profits help our cause. That’s true man! And it is okay. But for the sake of the article, let’s focus on the techy side of things and the potential for a new financial system, one financial system that is more important than “mere” wealth accumulation (f*ck, I could really use some money right now).
What I mean is that when we say crypto is the future, we tend to think about our own financial situation, but deep down we can not forget that it is changing lives as we speak. Safe to say that crypto is reshaping the fundamental principles of finance, and “including the excludes”, bringing power and ownership to their cause.
We cannot disregard, the power that blockchain technology allied with finance, can offer to the world. It’s beautiful! The principle of decentralization and democratization (yeah, yeah, you live in a democracy…sure bro…wink, wink) is something extremely necessary, and the fact that this trustless, transparent system can operate in a functional format, means something, that in a way is bigger than our pretensions and desires of succeed when it comes to money. Ostentation makes you look cheap if you dive deep and truly believe in what’s being built.
It’s not about us getting rich.
It’s about banking the unbanked, providing access to a fair and efficient system, where they cannot get f*ck over and over again by the middleman, and malicious actors. With a simple device and “stable” internet connection, these formerly marginalized people can be part of a global system, that most of the time purposely “forgets” about them. They are being included right now, which means crypto does wonders for the “equality” concept.
It’s not about us getting rich.
It’s about decentralization. All of this is possible because of the decentralization factor, where we can cope with each other, and collaborate, not relying on the excessive bureaucratic game, that 99.99% of the time is more harmful than beneficial. It’s actually stupid, the amount of time spent in processes implemented decades ago, maybe even probably before your parents were born. We don't want to depend on a handful of people, that has no clue what they are doing, or worse, doing what they are doing disregarding our well-being. We are taking control back. Big thumbs up everybody! Decentralization rules!
It’s not about us getting rich.
It’s about transparency. It’s about being in plain sight and nothing to hide. The principle of “if you are doing all correctly” you don’t need to hide anything. This fosters a culture of trust and integrity. Sure you can go all “Ocean’s Twelve” and elaborate a super fancy scheme to have it your way, but most likely you will get caught - and we will be clapping.
The ideology of " getting rich" in the traditional sense is a bit of a “spiritual disconnection” from the vision within the crypto pioneers. This is now what they intended. Of course, we cannot stop wondering “it’s this the next Bitcoin?” (probably not), and how many gains, will I make, if I invest in XYZ coin… After all is human nature, and there is nothing wrong with it.
We know where this thought comes from. The orange coin got too big in a span of 12 years, and now we are going crazy trying to catch the next big thing. And sometimes if we profit $20 off a protocol, we tend to disregard that project, because the gains were not substantial. But what we cannot forget is that the same $20 may be changing someone's life across the globe. Even in my own country $20 can help an old lady doing the week shop. So next time you want to declare the death of cryptocurrencies, think twice, before writing the obituary. Don't say "It's over, pack your bags" because it is not. Far from it! Just something for you to keep in mind.
And so, the moral of this article has to be, never lose sight of what started this movement in the first place, but I can disclose it once again…It’s not about us getting rich.
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