28 Oct 2022

Humility can be defined as the act of being humble. It is also the feeling or the attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others or has a lack of pride.
When you first look at it, humility seems like a negative trait or quality, almost like a sign of weakness rather than strength but itโ€™s not.

Why do we need humility?
Humble people donโ€™t lack pride in their accomplishments, rather it is knowing the place, time, and tone with which to share their strengths with the world.
Here are some examples of ways to live with modesty and humility. Saying good match to your opponent whether you win or lose. Being coachable and allowing criticism to fuel development rather than resentment. Apologizing after making a mistake. Helping others who are below you in skill rather than looking down on them. Looking towards those above you with an eye of inspiration and not jealousy.

Humility is an asset of self-improvement. By living a humble life you recognize the areas of your life that need improvement. We also need humility for inner well-being. Becoming frustrated and angry at failure comes with any struggle in life. Itโ€™s important that we understand humility to be able to better navigate those losses and pick ourselves up after the falls.

5 key steps to becoming more humble:

Build Confidence: Confidence is the key to living a full life. And yes a person can still be confident and humble. Donโ€™t forget, humbleness is not about seeing your weakness but itโ€™s about recognizing your strengths, and not stopping there. Itโ€™s about using those assets to become bigger and better.

Ask Questions: Humble people know that asking questions does not make you weak. If anything, asking questions makes you stronger both physically and mentally. Show your coach your willingness to learn and let them see that you are trying. When youโ€™re learning something new, it takes time for understanding to develop. Asking questions can help this process along.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone: Anyone who has experience in leadership knows that your comfort zone is a place where nothing interesting ever happens. No oneโ€™s going to believe youโ€™re a boxer if you donโ€™t out of your comfort zone. Try something new every now and then, youโ€™ll thank yourself later. If youโ€™ve got a bucket list, try to accomplish everything you set on it.

Remember Your Goals: Remind yourself every morning while youโ€™re doing what you do, and how you can achieve your goals. Doing so might make you understand the importance of what youโ€™re doing, help you meet your goals, and help you inspire others to pursue their passion.

Reflect on your behavior: If you act unfavorably, it will reflex back on your training, not to mention your lifestyle choices. Keeping a positive mindset can help you gain and maintain humility.
One of the successful ways to reflect on your behavior is by writing in your journal alongside your goals. Is your behavior helping you meet those goals or moving you away from them? By documenting what went well and what didnโ€™t during your training can help you learn from them.

Iโ€™m summary, humility begins with accepting who we are and what makes us human. As a result of this, you gain control over your attitude and outlook in life.

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