Hope finding

19 Dec 2022

I've always looked on from the sidelines, simply observing life go by.
In the past, I was too terrified to let go and live; lately, I was too exhausted to attempt.

While I spent my time avoiding the world and looking for ways to flee, I've envied the people around me for being so committed in each day.

For the majority of my life, I genuinely thought I was here to help someone else, but it's now so obvious that was merely an excuse.
to refrain from leading a selfish existence.

It's tragic that our lives and the suffering we experience might make it harder for us to move forward, but if we lose ourselves in the scars of the past, we won't even be aware that our lives are about to end.

People can disappoint us and change in the blink of an eye, yet since we all want a chance at living this life, we can't help but harm each other.

However, what I've discovered through experience
One universal truth about all of our lives is that, regardless of the direction each of us chooses, our ultimate goal is survival.

Therefore, the moment has arrived for me to face my worries and get up to face a new day.
Stop letting my life pass me by and let my tears wash away the pains of the past.

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