Fantastic Fathers Part-3

29 Aug 2022

Everyone reached home, fed them sweets and invited them to the party. Whenever someone asks whether the daughter has won, Yadav ji, he says that he has reached there, what is less? Leave the girl, tell me any boy in the whole village who has reached here? And we all used to stare at Papa as if he had just been brought from the museum, except the father, everyone else, yes the brothers and sisters in the house also made fun of him.
It also had a positive effect that after this I was the only girl left on the field in the whole district.. And on the field, I used to wash everyone in the ring equally. One good thing is that the most important thing I learned from the game is patience and sticking to the end.

Well, I did not understand then, now I understand the reason for their happiness. Really these things, the support of these little fathers have made me so strong that today I am standing in spite of so many difficulties.

There are other stories too, I will write them part-part. I had promised to write the old post but it remained incomplete. The story was remembered today because today the daughter was sitting on one side while swinging the swing in the park and on the other side another child, we were swinging both the children for a long time. Liya do you do gym? It takes a lot of hard work to swing this swing, I can't even swing my son alone, both of you are sitting and swinging for so long, without any wrinkle, I should ask.

"I just smiled in response."

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