
16 Aug 2022

Constitution is the most of agreed rules and principles defining how the powers of governing a country are given. The principle of the constitutionalism states that the powers of the various organs should be defined and limitations placed in the performance of their functions.
Also, these organs should abide by the provisions of the constitution.Constitutionalism checks and sets limits to the actions of the citizens and stresses the need for the protection of their rights equity of all before the law, enforcement of these rights,etc.
Constitutionalism is based on the belief that the powers of the various organs of government should be defined and regulated by the constitution ,so that those who govern the society do so without denying or violating the human dignity. This shows that limitations are placed in performance of their functions and must be in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. Also, constitutionalism checks and sets limits not only to the actions of government,but also to the actions of the people making up the political system.

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